As a witness, you are required to attend at court to testify in the judicial application specified in this subpoena.
If you fail to attend in accordance with the subpoena, you may be compelled to testify, and an arrest warrant may be issued
against you by the court. In addition, the court may order you to pay all or part of the costs caused by your failure to attend.
If you are called to testify remotely via a technical medium, please consult the user’s guide for the secure platform before
the hearing; it is available on the website of the Ministère de la Justice (www.justice.gouv.qc.ca).
• togiveanaccountofthefactsofwhichyouhavepersonalknowledge;
• togivenanexpertopinion;
• toproduceadocumentorotherevidence;
• appearforapost-judgmentexaminationastothedebtor’sproperty.
Before testifying, you will have to swear under oath to tell the truth. However, if the disclosure of your address gives cause
to fear for your safety, you may ask the court to dispense you from disclosing it.
You have the right to be informed, by the calling party or the calling party’s lawyer if the calling party is represented, of
the reason you have been called, the subject of your testimony and the order of the proceeding. The name and contact
information of the calling party or of the calling party’s lawyer if the calling party is represented are specified on the
If your presence is no longer required, the calling party must so inform you.
If you are called, you may require the calling party to pay you an advance, covering the first day of attendance at court,
on the loss of time indemnity and the travel, meal and overnight accommodation allowances prescribed by government
regulation respecting the indemnities and allowances to which you are entitled. However, the calling party is dispensed from
this obligation for expenses which it covers directly or if you are a party or if you are otherwise compensated.
If you are called to attend as a witness in the Small Claims Division of the Court of Québec, you will not be compensated,
unless the court decides otherwise. The judge may grant indemnities if they are requested at the hearing.
After you have testified, the clerk will certify your presence and determine the amount owed to you by the calling party. You
must present this subpoena (in person or via a technical medium) to the clerk along with the proof needed to establish the
indemnities and allowances to which you are entitled.
If you testify remotely via a technical medium:
After you have testified, the calling party will give you instructions on how to obtain the indemnities and allowances to which
you are entitled under the regulations in force.
This certificate has the force of an enforceable judgment. If the amounts to which you are entitled are not paid, you may
immediately pursue payment of them against the calling party.
Employers and their agents are prohibited from taking any of the following actions against an employee on the grounds that
• dismissing,suspendingortransferringtheemployee;
• exercisingdiscriminatorymeasuresorreprisalsagainsttheemployee;
• imposinganyotherpenaltyontheemployee.