Concept Development for Program Proposal (Stage 2)
2.1 Program Overview: Include a copy of the information provided in Stage 1,
noting that the program overview and strategic plan alignment may be expanded as
needed; employment projections will expand to a labor market analysis as part of the
communication process for Stage 3.
The original Program Overview will be provided as a separate document. It is rather
long and wordy and I have been encouraged to keep this document short and to the
point. In the spirit of brevity, what we are proposing is a restructuring of our current
certificates and degrees associated with welding into an AAS in Welding with a
embedded set of stacked credentials aligned with workforce needs. There are a range
of issues driving this that are discussed at length in the attached Program Abstract.
2.2 Certificate or Degree Options (work with the appropriate dean and curriculum
coordinator to select the appropriate degree/certificate)
We are proposing an AAS in Welding (a with roughly 98 credits of instruction including
related instruction). Within that AAS we are proposing a Career Pathways Certificate of
Completion (4 courses, 15 credits) that will form the core of all MATC programs. A short
term welding certificate (roughly 34 credits) which represents an efficient path to
employment and focuses on skill development. Stacking the Career Pathways
certificate (15 cr) with the short term welding certificate (34 cr) and related instruction
(12 cr) we then propose a 1 year certificate of completion (roughly 55 -60 cr) in
welding. In all this is 1 Career Pathway certificate, 1 short term certificate, and 1
certificate of completion which are contained within the AAS in Welding.
2.3 Curriculum Planning: Provide a course of study to include course titles,
credits per course, prerequisites, and general education requirements, as well as the
anticipated delivery method (in person, online, hybrid, self-paced) and the campus
location in which the program will be offered.
These programs are built from existing curriculum which is taught almost exclusively in
a self-paced mode. The curriculum for these programs will, with the exception of
related instruction, be offered only on the Redmond campus as they currently are.
Included below is a visual curriculum map of the proposed programs. If additional detail
is needed course titles and descriptions for all of these courses can be found in the
current catalog. Credits for most of these classes will be increasing due to the
recognition that the teaching mode employed in developing these skills is a model of
lecture/lab instruction rather than the current designation as lab courses.
A pdf of the curriculum map will be provided as a separate document at a more
readable scale.