Revised AA Presentation Checklist-writeable.docx Updated 3/5/2018
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Academic Affairs Committee
Form 1:
Presentation Checklist
e: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Department: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
COCC Contact Information: ___________________________________________________________
Use the instructions for this document to complete your presentation checklist; then e-mail your
completed presentation checklist (not the instructions) to the Academic Affairs chair by his or her
specified deadline. Please note: If an item listed is not relevant to your specific presentation to
Academic Affairs, please mark as N/A. Use as many pages as necessary.
Information Item (requires approval of AA Chair)
Action Item
Information and committee feedback
Procedure—revision (Attach current policy with proposed changes illustrated with track
Procedure—new (Identify suggested location in GPM)
Identify suggested location in GPM: _______________________________________________________
Policy—revision (Attach current policy with proposed changes illustrated with track changes)
Policy—new (Identify suggested location in GPM)
Identify suggested location in GPM:________________________________________________________
New academic program (Complete only items #1 and #2 on this form and attach stage 2
Award Realignment Project
This information item is to provide advance information about an upcoming project to realign COCC's
awards with state award titles and comprehensively define requirements.
COCC’s credit awards (our credentials that are recognized on a transcript, consisting of degrees and
certificates) need to be formally defined and approved. See OAR Chapter 589, Division 6, 589-006-0150. In
addition, individual programs need to be approved by the COCC Board of Directors according to state OARs
as well as the regional accreditation agency NWCCU’s policy on substantive changes.
Individual program approval
COCC is currently approving individual programs in compliance with state and accreditation standards.
In 2015, Academic Affairs approved a procedure for new CTE program approvals. This process was very
thorough and identified approvers for six stages of development. However, Board approval is not included in
this process and it will need to be revised.
NWCCU has revised the substantive change process several times in recent years but has maintained a
clear requirement for approval of additions and deletions to accredited institutions’ program offerings.
Award definition and approval
The requirements and standards for our awards are indirectly defined in the catalog. However,
comprehensive requirements and the process for changes have not been clear. In addition, COCC has
developed a cadre of CTE awards that varies from the state’s list of awards that we have the authority to