2018-23 Strategic Plan
Endorsed by COCC Board of Directors on June 13, 2018 Page 2 of 2
Community Enrichment:
Goal Statement:
Engage as a collaborative and contributing partner with the community.
Goal Intention:
As Central Oregon has grown, opportunities for leadership and collaboration
in the community have increased. COCC will cultivate new relationships and
strengthen existing connections with workforce, education and other
community partners. We will proactively collaborate to meet current and
future community needs.
What will COCC look like when this goal is achieved?
COCC is recognized throughout the region as a leader and partner in
building a stronger and vibrant community. Organizations and communities
in the region seek our participation and leadership on initiatives that
improve our communities. COCC is a leading provider of workforce training
and higher education in the region. Students are highly sought for
internships and employment after completing their education and training
at COCC.
CE-1: Cultivate new and strengthen existing connections/ partnerships
with Educational Stakeholders, including PreK-12, universities
(higher education), lifelong learners and business and industry.
CE-2: Advance positive regional economic development by assisting with
educational and training needs of business, industry and workforce.
CE-3: Offer College services and expertise in response to community
Institutional Efficiency:
Goal Statement:
Strengthen systems, policies and procedures to create more proactive,
responsive and effective internal processes.
Goal Intention:
While the College has changed dramatically over the last decade, the
institution’s operational infrastructure has not kept pace. COCC will
examine and improve policies, procedures and systems to make them more
efficient, effective and operationally sustainable to provide a high quality
work and learning environment.
What will COCC look like when this goal is achieved?
Faculty and staff at the College can clearly articulate the decision-making
processes. College information is provided in an accurate and consistent
way across all platforms. Internal and external audiences know how and
where to access information in order to stay informed, accomplish tasks and
actively participate. Employees identify as part of the College community
and contribute to creating an effective, supportive and inclusive learning
and working environment with recognized opportunities for professional
growth and development.
IE-1: Improve practices and structure related to providing a healthy and
productive workplace.
IE-2: Develop uniform, effective and efficient processes.
IE-3: Define, document and practice clear operational decision-making.
IE-4: Improve information sharing practices and platforms.