Revised AA Presentation Checklist-writable Updated 5/10/2018
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Academic Affairs Committee
Form 1:
Presentation Checklist
Name: _____
_________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Department: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
COCC Contact Information: ___________________________________________________________
Use the instructions for this document to complete your presentation checklist; then e-mail your
completed presentation checklist (not the instructions) to the Academic Affairs chair by his or her
specified deadline. Please note: If an item listed is not relevant to your specific presentation to
Academic Affairs, please mark as N/A. Use as many pages as necessary.
Information Item (requires approval of AA Chair)
Action Item
Information and committee feedback
Procedure—revision (Attach current procedure with proposed changes illustrated with track
Identify suggested location in GPM: _______________________________________________________
Policyrevision (Attach current policy with proposed changes illustrated with track changes)
Identify suggested location in GPM:________________________________________________________
New academic program (Complete only items #1 and #2 on this form and attach stage 2
Academic Master Plan
Betsy Julian
create a work group and process for developing the new Academic Master Plan
Revised AA Presentation Checklist-writable Updated 5/10/2018
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Create a workgroup to develop a new AMP aligned with the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.
Students will be impacted by the activities in the new AMP.
Work will proceed during 2018-19 academic year and new AMP will go into effect in Fall
2018-23 Strategic Plan
Endorsed by COCC Board of Directors on June 13, 2018 Page 1 of 2
Student Success:
Goal Statement:
Provide resources and support to facilitate increased student persistence
and educational goal achievement.
Goal Intention:
Many students who come to COCC leave before reaching their declared
educational goal. COCC will proactively guide students to define goals, and
will provide resources and support to achieve them. This will result in a
measurable improvement in overall persistence and completion.
What will COCC look like when this goal is achieved?
Students create realistic educational goals, academic plans and pathways,
and take the courses they need in an efficient and progressive manner while
accounting for their non-academic challenges. Resources are known and
accessible. The institution tracks students and targets relevant and
appropriate resources. Faculty and staff employ innovative practices to
increase student engagement, access and success. Students who enter
COCC attain or exceed their educational goals.
SS-1: Enhance development of course and program offerings and delivery
SS-2: Enhance and promote the resources and tools available to help
students efficiently complete their academic goal.
SS-3: Enhance and promote the resources and support services available
to help students overcome non-academic challenges.
Student Experience:
Goal Statement:
Provide core academic offerings and student support at all campuses and
Goal Intention:
Access to core academic offerings and services is limited and inconsistent.
COCC will provide core academic offerings and student support services in a
coordinated, intentional and predictable way to increase equity in the
academic experience online and at all campuses.
What will COCC look like when this goal is achieved?
Students complete core academic courses at any of COCC’s campuses and
online. Students utilize support resources on all campuses and online.
Students identify as part of the College community.
SE-1: Develop and implement a comprehensive approach to academic
offerings and student support services on all campuses and online.
SE-2: Increase access to academic programs and courses on all campuses
and online.
SE-3: Promote diversity, inclusiveness and community on all campuses
and online.
2018-23 Strategic Plan
Endorsed by COCC Board of Directors on June 13, 2018 Page 2 of 2
Community Enrichment:
Goal Statement:
Engage as a collaborative and contributing partner with the community.
Goal Intention:
As Central Oregon has grown, opportunities for leadership and collaboration
in the community have increased. COCC will cultivate new relationships and
strengthen existing connections with workforce, education and other
community partners. We will proactively collaborate to meet current and
future community needs.
What will COCC look like when this goal is achieved?
COCC is recognized throughout the region as a leader and partner in
building a stronger and vibrant community. Organizations and communities
in the region seek our participation and leadership on initiatives that
improve our communities. COCC is a leading provider of workforce training
and higher education in the region. Students are highly sought for
internships and employment after completing their education and training
at COCC.
CE-1: Cultivate new and strengthen existing connections/ partnerships
with Educational Stakeholders, including PreK-12, universities
(higher education), lifelong learners and business and industry.
CE-2: Advance positive regional economic development by assisting with
educational and training needs of business, industry and workforce.
CE-3: Offer College services and expertise in response to community
Institutional Efficiency:
Goal Statement:
Strengthen systems, policies and procedures to create more proactive,
responsive and effective internal processes.
Goal Intention:
While the College has changed dramatically over the last decade, the
institution’s operational infrastructure has not kept pace. COCC will
examine and improve policies, procedures and systems to make them more
efficient, effective and operationally sustainable to provide a high quality
work and learning environment.
What will COCC look like when this goal is achieved?
Faculty and staff at the College can clearly articulate the decision-making
processes. College information is provided in an accurate and consistent
way across all platforms. Internal and external audiences know how and
where to access information in order to stay informed, accomplish tasks and
actively participate. Employees identify as part of the College community
and contribute to creating an effective, supportive and inclusive learning
and working environment with recognized opportunities for professional
growth and development.
IE-1: Improve practices and structure related to providing a healthy and
productive workplace.
IE-2: Develop uniform, effective and efficient processes.
IE-3: Define, document and practice clear operational decision-making.
IE-4: Improve information sharing practices and platforms.
COCC’s Academic Master Plan (AMP) - Page 1
Academic Master Plan:
Building on Excellence 2015-2018
This inaugural Academic Master Plan (AMP) was initiated in 2014 by Central Oregon Community College’s (COCC) then Vice President for
Instruction, and developed collaboratively at an important juncture in leadership, institutional planning, and enrollment. Record-breaking
enrollment growth from 2007 to 2012 ended as the central Oregon economy recovered. The college expanded instructional offerings at
three campus locations in Redmond, Madras, and Prineville. Oregon State University-Cascades located in Bend announced plans to launch
lower division courses in 2015 as it expands from offering junior and senior classes to a full four-year institution. Important changes
continue at COCC’s top-level administration. A permanent president was named in March 2015, after serving for six months as interim
president and following the decade long tenure of COCC’s fourth president. An interim vice president for instruction (VPI) was named
winter 2015 and is the fifth VPI since 2010 (three permanent and two interim). The College increased the number of instructional deans
from two to three in 2010 and has had seven individuals serving in these roles since that time. Central Oregon Community College
introduced a 2013-18 Strategic Plan and is working to align operational plans and activities with this plan. It is in this context of change
that AMP provides proactive vision and focus for future decisions and activity in instructional matters at Central Oregon Community
This AMP is the first academic planning document that represents the outcome of a regular, iterative, intentional planning process. The
AMP was developed collaboratively, involving faculty, instructional leadership, and staff. The team convened in February 2014 to evaluate
the current educational environment, review other planning models, and discuss priorities for COCC. Participants across campus provided
review of and recommendations for the AMP throughout its development. The process of actively engaging faculty and staff in the
process resulted in an informative, reflective, and thoughtful roadmap that emerged as this initial AMP.
COCC’s Academic Master Plan (AMP) - Page 2
The 2015-2018 Academic Master Plan, completed Spring, 2015, identifies instructional priorities designed to enhance teaching and
learning and student success. It is a dynamic document that is both proactive and responsive to the challenges facing COCC in the near
future. The AMP provides a framework for intentional decision-making, strategic planning, and prioritizing of people, resources, and
operations in instruction. It builds upon COCC’s existing strengths and aligns with COCC’s 2013-18 Strategic Plan to effectively fulfill
COCC’s Mission and Vision.
COCC promotes student success and community enrichment by providing quality, accessible, lifelong educational opportunities.
To achieve student success and community enrichment, COCC fosters student completion of academic goals, prepares students for
employment, assists regional employers and promotes equitable achievement for the diverse students and communities we serve.
COCC’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan
COCC’s Strategic Plan centers around five themes: Transfer and Articulation, Workforce Development, Basic Skills and Lifelong
Learning, and Institutional Sustainability. The AMP goal focuses on fulfillment of the outcomes for each theme.
Transfer &
Students will have the
academic achievement
and skills necessary to
transfer and articulate
successfully to
institutions of higher
learning beyond the
community college level.
Students of Career and
Technical Education (CTE)
programs will be
prepared for
employment and
advanced education
through the acquisition of
knowledge and skills
necessary to meet
current industry
Basic Skills
Students will have
academic achievements
and basic learning skills
necessary to participate
effectively as engaged
community and family
members and employees,
and to succeed at the
college level.
Participants in lifelong
learning will have access
to learning opportunities
in the areas of
Enrichment, Professional
Technology and Wellness.
Students will have the
opportunity to be
successful because the
College has planned and
invested appropriately to
ensure sustainabilty of
high quality programs,
services and facilities that
support student learning
and educational
COCC’s Academic Master Plan (AMP) - Page 3
Academic Priorities, Summary Statements and Objectives
Objectives in support of Priority A:
A1. Prioritize and select technology that enhances instructional effectiveness.
Evaluate College and student readiness for online courses, certificates, and degrees.
Promote faculty use of and student access to the college's course management system across all curricula.
Expand the college's reach in student learning exploring the development of appropriate online courses, certificates, or degrees.
A2. Prioritize and provide quality learning spaces at all campuses to enhance student experiences.
Provide adequate classroom space appropriate for a variety of pedagogies.
Provide adequate computer lab space to accommodate student and faculty needs.
A3. Use the feedback of systematic annual needs assessment to improve academic student support services at all campuses, including
library, testing and tutoring and advising.
Priority A: Provide comprehensive, accessible instructional resources
Provide the necessary resources in pursuit of student success, ensuring that all students have equal access to such support. Make
instructional technology a priority in supporting and augmenting teaching and learning.
Academic Master Plan Goal
Promote student success by enhancing teaching and learning at all Central Oregon Community College campuses.
COCC’s Academic Master Plan (AMP) - Page 4
Objectives in support of Priority B:
B1. Maintain and continue to increase the ratio of full time tenure track to part time faculty to provide program stability and improve
student retention and success.
B2. Provide financial support and resources for faculty innovations and professional development to promote high quality instruction.
B3. Support the Center for Teaching and Learning to advance excellence and innovation in instructional practices.
B4. Use a faculty review process that ensures high quality teaching and learning.
Objectives in support of Priority C:
C1. Review and promote processes that provide opportunities toward student retention and degree completion.
Review and promote processes in Transfer and Articulation that provide opportunities toward transfer.
Identify and deliver CTE programs and curricula that align with current industry standards.
Implement recommendations of COCC's Developmental Education Redesign Team to improve the foundational support the college
provides to prepare and retain students for college success.
Broaden lifelong learning opportunities based on assessed industry, community, and campus needs.
C2. Develop a scalable approach to assessing student learning at the program, focus area and course levels.
Expand and refine data, research and assessment systems and infrastructure for an in-depth and detailed look at factors affecting
student success.
C3. Develop a program support and improvement process.
Priority B: Attract, recruit and retain a diverse, highly qualified faculty
Support student success through hiring priorities and faculty review processes that reflect a commitment to overall instructional
effectiveness and excellence at the course and program level.
Priority C: Review and improve programs and processes
Use systematic assessment and evidence based decision making for the ongoing improvement of college curriculum.
COCC’s Academic Master Plan (AMP) - Page 5
Objectives in support of Priority D:
D1. Identify anchor academic programs for Redmond, Madras and Prineville that reflect input from community partners.
D2. Identify an RMP campus representative to inform and engage with the President's Advisory Team about local instructional concerns
and issues.
D3. Provide adequate full time faculty at each campus.
D4. Provide appropriate academic student support services at all campuses particularly in the areas of academic advising, financial aid, and
new student orientations.
Objectives in support of Priority E:
E1. Facilitate success for transfer students by articulation agreements with local and regional higher learning partners.
E2. Coordinate programs, curricula and resources with OSU Cascades to ensure seamless student transition from COCC to OSU-Cascades.
E3. Strengthen instructional partnerships with K-12 partners to encourage and facilitate transition from local high schools to COCC.
E4. Coordinate visions of local education, business, nonprofit and community partners to identify areas of instructional strength and
growth for the mission of each COCC campus and prepare students for successful transition to the workforce.
Priority E: Strengthen partnerships with educational institutions, businesses and statewide agencies to
promote COCC’s curricula and programs
Invest in regional and statewide partnerships that create a seamless experience promoting student success from college placement
to work.
Priority D: Provide equitable, appropriate faculty, programs and processes at the Redmond, Madras and Prineville
Expand access throughout the district with long-term strategies for educational services in underserved areas.
Expand access throughout the district with long-term strategies for educational services in underserved areas.