A certificate or degree is awarded when it meets the appropriate course requirements
listed in the catalog and the student has met the following:
1. Complete the minimum number of credits required for the degree
2. Earn a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade-point average at COCC
3. Complete at least 24 degree-applicable residency credits for an associate's degree; 18
certificate- applicable residency credits for a certificate. Complete at least 24 degree
applicable residency credits for an associate’s degree; 18 certificate applicable
residency credits for a two year certificate; 9 certificate applicable residency credits for a
one year certificate or career pathway certificate.
4. One of the following criteria:
a. Students have three years to complete their program under the catalog in which they
began or any subsequent catalog. The student's choice of catalog years is based upon
the student's attendance and the most recent year that the student applied to COCC:
i. The student's default catalog year is the year the student is admitted to COCC and the
student may graduate under that default catalog year or either of the next two catalog
ii. If the student has a break in enrollment of more than four consecutive terms, the
student must reapply to COCC and the default catalog year will now be the year the
student is re-admitted.
iii. The student's choice of catalog years is limited to two catalog years prior to the
student's year of graduation. If the student does not graduate within three catalog years
of student's admittance, the default catalog year will be updated yearly to the
subsequent catalog year.
b. The student transfers back to COCC, other college credits within the term immediately
following the last term attended at COCC, excluding summer, and meets degree
requirements listed in the current college catalog or the previous two catalogs.
c. The student left COCC prior to completing degree requirements but through subsequent
transfer credit meets degree requirements currently in effect at the time of final degree
evaluation and award.
When a student's completion of degree requirements coincides with the last term
attended, the degree will be posted in that term. When the student uses transfer credits
after an absence from the College, the degree will be posted in the term in which the
degree evaluation is successfully completed, and when it has been determined that all
degree requirements have been met.
MULTIPLE OR CONCURRENT DEGREES: Revised: 10/30/12 Students applying for
multiple or concurrent degrees must meet the degree requirements outlined above and
as listed for each degree in the catalog. For each additional degree, students must
complete at least 15 COCC credits that are different than those used for the other
degree(s) and are applicable to the additional degree requested.
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