Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
The NTGRX-KS must be configured to
communicate with specific 3000 and 4000
series preset control units. In order for
Wallstation to communicate with a Control
Unit, each Wallstation must be individually
configured to “talk” by putting the Wallstation
in Setup Mode.
Put the Wallstation in
SSeettuupp MMooddee
(only one Wallstation in Setup Mode at a time).
This is done by first removing the KS control
from the backbox and locating the
programming button on the back of the
control. While turning the keyswitch
pprreessss aanndd hhoolldd
the programming
button for three seconds.
Identify the Control Unit(s) that you want to
“listen” to this Wallstation. (Control Units must
be addressed)!
PPrreessss aanndd hhoolldd
the top Scene
button on the Control Unit for about three
seconds, until the LEDs flash in unison. Repeat
for each Control Unit that you want to “listen”
to the Wallstation.
(to make a “listening” Control Unit not
listen to Wallstation: Put the Wallstation in
Setup Mode, then press the “listening” Control
Unit’s OFF button until the LEDs stop flashing).
Exit Setup Mode. Normal operation is
restored by turning the keyswitch clockwise
while pressing the program button for three
Control Unit
Press here
for “Listen”
LEDs flash in unison