Employability Fund
EF provider fact sheet
An EF fact sheet must be completed by the EF Provider for all contracted EF provision in each Local
Employability Partnership Area in line with their contract allocation. A separate fact sheet must be
completed for each Stage offered by the EF Provider. The EF Provider must submit the completed
EF fact sheets to the named SDS Contract Manager for approval in advance of any start dates. Once
approved the EF Provider must circulate to all EF referral organisations in the LEP area.
Title of EF Provision
Local Employability Partnership (LEP) Area
EF Stage
(Tick appropriate stage. Please note that a separate fact sheet is required for each stage)
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Number of EF places available (Insert number of contracted places for the selected stage)
Age 16-17 Age 18-24 Age 25+
EF provider name
Address and postcode
EF provider contact name tel no. email
Website (if applicable)
Local provider contact details (This should be the local contact for the day to day enquiries from EF referral organisations)
Contact name
Tel no. email
Location of EF provision (If different from above. If multiple locations are used please detail e.g. 4 weeks in training centre and 2 weeks work placement)
Days and hours per week and anticipated duration of EF provision (Number of hours, days and mode of attendance indicating start and nish times, length of
the course and whether it is continuous or exible e.g. 6 weeks continuous or 8-12 weeks depending on progress)
Start dates (Including number of places for each start date or timescales if a rolling programme)
Referral arrangements and requirements (How EF provider wishes to be notied by referral organisation)
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1 April 2015
Employability Fund - Stage 4
Moray College, Moray Street, Elgin IV30 1JJ
Flexible to meet the needs of Specific Training. Training could be in Moray college, by other training providers or other employer premises. SBWA
will be sector agreed with employer needs and appropriate qualifications offered for sector these courses can be held in Moray College or on
employer premises.
Monday - Friday 16 - 30hrs
Start times will depend on provision, eg, College will be from 9.00am - 3.30pm approx. Placements will be as per employer/participant agreed
working pattern, Training at other providers will be as required.
Length of training from 2wks - 13wk or flexible to meet training needs
Roll on roll off mainly but for SBWA block release will be required and a maximum of 12 participants on one course.
Initially by telephone then Eligibility Confirmation to be sent