Employability Fund
EF provider fact sheet
Aim of provision (e.g. “To prepare attendees for employment by providing underpining knowledge of a particular sector and to provide the basic skills for that sector”)
Content of EF provision (Please include as much detail as possible e.g. pre recruitment training for a specic sector, job focussed training, employability provision,
core skills, summary of support for personal development and info on work experience element)
Certication (Detail all certicates that are available as part of the EF provision and the organisation that is accredited to deliver the certicate. If EF provision contains
units/modules at different SCQF levels, the overall level should equate to the majority of provision (50%+)
Name/Code (if appropriate) of Unit/Module/SCQF rate qualication
(where the qualication is not SCQF credit rates please include a
brief description)
Organisation accredited to deliver the
SCQF level SCQF credit
Overall level Total credit points
Proposed outcomes and potential progression routes on successful completion
(Detail linkages to other local opportunities and progression towards FE, MA,
Additional information (Any extra information or notes regarding the EF provision e.g. application and administration requirements, minimum number of referrals
EF Provider Declaration
I ensure that the information in this EF fact sheet is accurate and supported by a SDS contract for the EF. I have written approval from an SDS Skills
Investment Adviser on the content of this EF fact sheet. I agree to make this fact sheet available to all EF referring organisations in the relevant
LEP area.
2 of 2
1 April 2019
Name Date
Priority will be given to those participants who have progressed from stage 2 and referrals will be invited from all other Employability Fund
Providers in Moray. The service will also be promoted across Moray to the local Job Centre Advisors, SDS Careers and the Local Authority. Stage
3 provision will be targeted at participants who will undertake work placement/vocational activity and work focused training with an emphasis
being placed on a person centered approach that supports personal development, and up skilling. To provide applicants with the personal, life and
work skills necessary to enter employment in a sector of their choice, using an agreed personal training plan driven by their individual needs.
The individual training plan can comprise a mix of, pre-employment, vocational / work experience placements and core skills at the relevant level.
Vocational areas for work experience placements (up to 240hrs) we offer are Rural skills, Lands & parks maintenance, Retail, Administration,
Social Services & Healthcare, however, we will consider any other areas. All Participants will be encouraged and supported to make full use of
digital media allowing them to access 'My world of work' provided by Skills Development Scotland, 'Universal Job Match' provided by the DWP
and to search for job vacancies from appropriate recruitment sites, assistance with on line and paper based job applications and CV preparation.
Pre recruitment requirements such as PVG for the care sector will normally have to be completed before a placement can be started.
Employability and/or vocational qualification at SCQF level 4 will be offered and encouraged to participants at this stage and this will mean them
having to attend the centre one day a week, which can be continued even if they have moved into employment before achievement.
The objectives will will provide the participant with transferable skills to progress to Employment; to a Modern Apprenticeship or a more
advanced form of learning.
First Aid at Work - HV82 04 & HV83 04 (3 day)
Emergency First Aid at Work - HV82 04 (1 day)
Core Skills at Levels 4, 5
All starts must be arranged and agreed within 28 days of the date the Eligibility Confirmation was signed by both parties, if a start date cannot be
arranged within this period then a new/or resigned Eligibility Confirmation will be required to ensure the referrals circumstances have not changed
before any applicant will be considered for a start.
General information on Moray Training can be found on the Moray Council website under A-Z Services: select the letter 'T' then 'Training' or
search for 'Training' in the search box.