Employability Fund
EF provider fact sheet
Aim of provision (e.g. “To prepare attendees for employment by providing underpining knowledge of a particular sector and to provide the basic skills for that sector”)
Content of EF provision (e.g. pre recruitment training for a specic sector, job focussed training, employability provision, core skills, summary of support for personal
development and info on work experience element)
Qualications (Detail all qualications that are available as part of the EF provision. If EF provision contains units/modules at different SCQF levels, the overall level
should equate to the majority of provision (50%+)
Name/Code (if appropriate) of Unit/Module/SCQF rate qualication (where the qualication is not SCQF credit
rates please include a brief description)
SCQF level SCQF credit
Overall level Total credit points
Proposed outcomes and potential progression routes on successful completion
(Detail linkages to other local opportunities and progression towards FE, MA,
Additional information (Any extra information or notes regarding the EF provision e.g. application and administration requirements, minimum number of referrals
SDS Contract Manager Name
Tel no. email
EF Provider Declaration
I ensure that the information in this EF fact sheet is accurate and supported by a SDS contract for the EF. I agree to make this fact sheet available
to all EF referral organisations in the relevant LEP area.
Name Date
2 of 2
1 April 2015
The provision will be provide on a one to one basis for each participant with an emphasis being placed on a person centered approach that
supports development and barrier removal. To provide applicants with the personal, life and work skills necessary to prepare them for employment
in a sector of their choice, using a personal training plan driven by their individual needs. For those that require it, specialist support can be
arranged with a dedicated key worker assisting them to achieve the outcomes
Each person referred will be interviewed by an experienced member of the team who will carry out assessments and agree an Individual Training
Plan documenting the steps to be taken to support barrier removal and promote progressions and achievement. The personal training plan for
each individual can comprise a mix of pre-employment, vocational/work experience placements or projects and core skills at the relevant level. All
Participants will be encouraged and supported to make full use of digital media allowing them to access 'My world of work' provided by Skills
Development Scotland, 'Universal Job Match' provided by the DWP and to search for job vacancies from appropriate recruitment sites. Not all
Stage 2 clients will undertake this formal certification as it may be more appropriate to deliver more work based skills such as Health and Safety at
Work; Moving and Handling; First Aid. One on one support can be given where necessary. Some of the vocational areas we offer are Rural skills,
Lands & parks maintenance, Retail, Administration, Social Services & Health Care, however, we will look at and consider all requests.
The emphasis will be placed on Barrier Removal, Development activities; Personal Development and Up skilling to ensure Core Skills are at a level
commensurate with their vocational skills. Participants will be closely monitored with formal reviews undertaken on a regular basis with both client
and employer placement during work experience, this will also assist in identifying any personal barriers to progression and identifying the means
by which these barriers may be overcome. support will also be provided for the employer to ensure that the placement has a satisfactory outcome
for both parties. On successful completion of their personal training plan, progression to Stage 3, employment or Modern Apprenticeship using
local contacts
Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day)
Certificate of Work Readiness (dependent on participant)
Practical Work Place Skills H188 04 - SDS Customised Unit (dependent on participant)
Core Skill at Levels 3, 4, 5, 6
All starts must be arranged and agreed within 28 days of the Eligibility Confirmation date, if a start cannot be arranged within this period then a
new Eligibility Confirmation will be required to ensure the referrals circumstances have not changed before any applicant will be considered for a