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Office of Graduate Studies
Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Application
Student Name: _______________________ Student ID: __________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________ U of G email: __________________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________ Postal Code: __________________________
I hereby request permission to take the following course required for my degree at
(Host University, Host Department)
_____________________________________________ for the period from
(month, year) ________________ to (month, year)
Course Number Course Title
Full Credit Fall Winter Summer
Dates of previous registration at host University: (month, year) ___________________________
Student Signature: __________________________ Date: ___________________________
University of Guelph:
This is to certify that this course is an essential part of the student’s program and there is no comparable course
offered at the University of Guelph:
Graduate Coordinator’s Signature: ___________________ Date: __________________________
Graduate Dean’s Signature: ___________________ Date: __________________________
This is a noninvoiced course; agreement on file
Host University:
Department Chair’s Signature: ___________________ Date: __________________________
Graduate Dean’s Signature: ___________________ Date: __________________________
Office Use:
Emailed to Host University: ________________________________
Course Added, Student Emailed: ________________________________
Grade Received and Entered: ________________________________
Protection of Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the University of Guelph Act and
pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have questions about the use and disclosure of your personal information, call
the Office of Graduate St
udies at (519) 8244120 ext. 56833. You can also find more information about access to information and protection of privacy at the
University of Guelph from the University Secretariat.
click to sign
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click to sign
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click to sign
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Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Plan
General Information:
The Visiting Graduate Student Plan allows a graduate student of an Ontario university (Home University) to take
graduate courses at another Ontario University (Host University) while remaining registered at his/her own university.
The plan allows the student to bypass the usual application for admission procedures and resultant transfer of credit
difficulties. The student pays fees to his/her Home University and is classed as a “visiting graduate student” at the Host
University where he/she pays no fees.
N.B. Students may not complete more than half of their prescribed course requirements outside of the University of
Guelph, either through the Letter of Permission (outside of Ontario), OVGS (within Ontario), or advanced credit transfer
Responsibilities of the visiting Graduate Student:
1) To ensure that the Visiting Graduate Student application form is completed and submitted to the Department
Chair of his/her Home University prior to the beginning date of the course(s).
2) To ensure that a Notification of Withdrawal from Course(s) form is filed with the Graduate Dean of the Home
University and the Host University at the earliest possible date should he/she decide to drop a course at the
Host University.
Responsibilities of the Home University Department Chair and Graduate Dean:
By signing a Visiting Graduate Student application form, you certify that the student:
1) is pursuing a graduate degree as indicated on the form
2) is in good standing at your university requires the specified course(s)
3) will receive course credit for the course (providing suitable standing is obtained)
Responsibilities of the Host University Department Chair and Graduate Dean:
By signing a Visiting Graduate Student application form, you certify that:
1) the course(s) specified will be offered during the term(s) indicated
2) the student will be assured a place in the course
3) the student will be identified as a “Visiting Graduate Student” and will not be reported for formula entitlement
Host University Accounts Payable office or Comptroller:
A copy of the approved Visiting Graduate Student application form will be submitted to this office. The accounts office
will bill the equivalent office of the Home University to the amount of:
$1,100.00 per half course (one term or one semester in length)
$2200.00 per full course (two terms or two semesters in length)