Office of Graduate Studies
Application for Advanced Standing Credit
Student ID:
This form must be submitted to OGS prior to receiving an offer and no later than the end of the first week of the first semester, after this
point the "Application for Transfer Credit" should be submitted. Advanced standing credits may be granted based on graduate courses
taken before their admission to the University of Guelph graduate program. The general criteria for acceptance of advanced standing credits
are as follows:
Courses must be suitable and applicable to the University
of Guelph graduate program, as determined by the
department/school Graduate Studies Committee.
The minimum grade acceptable for advanced standing credit is 70% (B).
3. Courses may not have been used as requirements for any other degree or diploma which has been granted.
Courses used as part of the basic admissions requirement for the University of Guelph graduate program are not eligible.
For example, if courses were considered necessary for the student to be eligible for admission to the graduate
program, or
were taken as part of required upgrading, advanced credit will not be graded.
Please refer to the Graduate Calendar for full listing of criteria, regulations and requirements.
Course Taken
(attach official transcript and course calendar description)
Host Course Number Host Institution Mark/Grade
Degree Program:
First Name:Last Name:
Equates To
(if no equivalent exists, specify generic equivalency, e.g. HIST 600level)
U of G Equivalent Course Course Title Credit Value
I hereby apply for advanced standing credit towards my current graduate program for the course listed. I understand that the
advanced standing credit(s) will be noted on the Graduate Degree Program form and my University of Guelph official transcript.
Graduate Coordinator: Date:
(for) Dean of Graduate Studies: Date:
Student Signature:
The department/school Graduate Studies Committee hereby recommends that the student be granted credit for the course listed
above. We acknowledge that a maximum of two courses can be considered for advanced standing credit and that advanced standing,
transfer and external credits in any program cannot reduce the minimum number of prescribed course credits taken as a graduate
student at Guelph to less than half the normal requirement (exclusive of major paper/research project/thesis). For a DVSc program,
advanced standing, transfer and external credits cannot reduce the minimum number of prescribed course credits to fewer than 2.0.
Office of Graduate Studies:
Approved Not Approved
Protection of Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the University of Guelph Act and
pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have questions about the use and disclosure of your personal
information, call the Office of Graduate Studies at (519) 824-4120 ext. 56833. You can also find more information about access to information and protection
of privacy at the University of Guelph from the University Secretariat.
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