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Updated 12/11/2017
Department of Community Development
801 228th Avenue SE
Sammamish, WA 98075-9509
Phone: 425-295-0500
Fax: 425-295-0600
Wet Season Work Request
The City of Sammamish restricts certain types of work on construction projects during the “wet season”
of October 1 through April 30 to help protect water quality. The work that is prohibited during this time
includes the clearing of vegetation, grubbing, grading, or ground disturbance. Under certain
circumstances, work during the wet season will not be allowed until such time that a Wet Season Work
request has been approved.
Before issuance of a wet season work permit, sites must have an approved site development permit,
building permit, and/or construction plan set complete with an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and
a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.
Approval for work during the wet season is required in the following situations:
A project is within a critical area overlay (Erosion Hazard, or Erosion Hazard Near Sensitive Water
Bodies Overlay areas, or Wetland Management Area) with restrictions on clearing and grading
A City building or construction inspector determines that a wet season work permit is required
Applicants must include a project narrative that describes the type of work to be performed and the
project’s projected schedule (including its date of completion).
Applicants must include a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Management Plan with this
application, including responses to the following:
1. Describe the provisions to store site construction runoff and treat runoff sufficiently to meet
water quality standards prior to discharge.
2. Identify the manager who is a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) in the state
of Washington, and will be available on call to respond to temporary erosion and sediment
control noncompliance and will conduct daily and post-storm inspections of temporary erosion
and sediment control best management practices?
3. Describe the water-quality monitoring plan for site discharges, where the applicant is
responsible for measuring turbidity of storm water released from the site and maintaining
records of monitoring data that shall be available upon request by the City or Ecology. For
projects that disturb one acre or more, monitoring protocols shall conform to the monitoring
requirements of the construction storm water general permit; for all other projects, monitoring
protocols shall conform to the Surface Water Design Manual.
4. Describe the contingency plan that identifies corrective actions and BMPs and specifies
materials to be stockpiled on site for use in an erosion and sediment control response if
monitoring shows discharge water quality exceeds water quality standards.