1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 0H3 | Phone: 905-815-6015 Fax: 905-815-2025 | townclerk@oakville.ca
Please indicate the applicable boundaries
Where existing, please provide the URL to your residents’ / community association’s website:
Authorization to publish a contact name, phone number, email, boundaries and URL on the
Town’s website. ___YES___NO
Contact name you would like published: ______________________________________
Position held in organization: _______________________________________________
Authorization to share contact name and phone number with internal departments within the
Town of Oakville and other government offices.___ YES ___ NO
I confirm that the information contained herein is true and correct.
(Signature) (Relationship in organization)
(Date) ______________________
Thank you for completing this application form. Please submit by mail, fax or e-mail to the
attention of: Town Clerk, Clerk’s Department
Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act for the purpose of maintaining updated
information on Residents and Community Associations. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s