Planning Applications
Pre-consultation Package
Official Plan Amendment
Zoning By-law Amendment
Draft Plan of Subdivision
Draft Plan of Condominium
Site Plan Approval
Town of O
Planning Services Department
1225 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON., L6H 0H3
: 905.845.6601
November 2016
Guide for Applicants
Applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft
Plan of Condominium and Site Plan approval are required to follow the pre-consultation process, as
required by By-law 2007-106, or any amendments or replacements to that By-law. Applicants are
required to attend a pre-consultation meeting before submitting a planning application. The meeting is
intended to identify key issues and the approvals that will be required with a project, and confirm the
supporting materials that must be submitted with the planning application(s).
For most development applications, applicants should review Terms of Reference for the
Urban Design Brief, conduct a preliminary design analysis and consult with Planning and
Urban Design staff prior to requesting a Pre-consultation Meeting.
g & Required Information: Pre-consultation meetings are held on regularly scheduled dates
(see Town’s website), as availability permits. Requests to attend must be made at least 14 working
days prior to the pre-consultation meeting by submitting the following information electronically:
a) a completed Pre-consultation Request (Form 1); and,
b) the required supporting material in the Request form.
The Town’s Official Plan establishes standards for complete applications and an application for Official
Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, draft plan of subdivision and draft plan of condominium
will only be considered complete under the
Planning Act
when the following items have been provided
to the Town:
a completed application form,
all information and materials prescribed by statute,
an executed Pre-consultation Agreement,
all supporting information and materials required to be provided with the initial submission
pursuant to the Pre-consultation agreement, including reduced paper copies and in electronic
form, and,
the prescribed application fee(s).
Site P
lan applications will be deemed complete when all required materials are submitted.
Note: Additional financial payments and costs may be required through the processing of an
application, including, but not limited to, peer review of materials and/or information, agreements and
associated fees. Fees and payments such as parkland dedication (or cash-in-lieu), development
charges, payment of outstanding taxes, securities, archive retrieval, Ontario Municipal Board appeals
and appearances, costs for lifting reserves, and reimbursement for road widening acquisition or road
improvements may also be required.
ional applications to other public agencies and governments, including, Provincial, Regional,
Conservation Authority, and/or other Town Departments, may be necessary depending on the nature
of the application.
Pre-consultation Request
The following is to be completed by the Applicant (check all that apply)
Official Plan Amendment
Plan of Subdivision
Site Plan
Zoning By-
Plan of Condominium
1. Site address / legal description:
2. Existing Zoning category:
3. Existing Official Plan designation:
4. Are there any encumbrances on the property? (i.e. easements)
Yes No
If yes, list encumbrances:
5. Summary of proposal:
6. Has a pre-meeting been held with Urban Design staff?
Yes No
7. List any other pre-meetings held with Town, Halton Region and/or Conservation Halton staff:
Supporting Material:
The following must be submitted in electronic (i.e. PDF or JPG) form with this Pre-consultation
A colour copy of a concept / sketch plan that shows the proposal, including a context plan. (i.e.
lotting pattern, road location, building(s) location),
A copy of a survey, and,
A copy of a current air photo with the property indicated
For site plan pre-consultation, the above plus elevation and landscape concept
Environmental Site Screening Questionnaire
Additional Supporting Material for Applications in North Oakville:
In addition to the materials outlined above, the applicant must also:
Provide a completed North Oakville Sustainability Checklist
Complete the following North Oakville Natural Heritage System Checklist:
North Oakville Natural Heritage System Checklist
Indicate all that apply to the subject lands:
Entirely within Environmental Implementation Report (EIR) Subcatchment Area Boundary
Partially within EIR Subcatchment Area Boundary
Contains lands within the Natural Heritage System
Stormwater management pond indicated
High Constraint Stream Corridor(s) indicated
Medium Constraint Stream Corridor(s) indicated
Low Constraint Stream Corridor(s) indicated
Phone: __________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Owner’s Signature or Signature of Authorised Agent:
Pre-consultation Form
Please note pre-consultations are only valid for Six (6) Months
from the date of Signing: See Note (d)
Site Location:
Official Plan Amendment
Plan of Subdivision
Site Plan
Zoning By-law Ame
Plan of Condominium
Terms of R
eference for Listed Studies / Reports can be found here:
For the required number of Plans & Drawings for a site plan application, also see the application form
Submission Requirements
Materials to be Provided in Electronic and Paper Form Required Paper Copies Notes
Plans & Drawings
Aerial Photograph(s)
35 or ______
Survey / Legal Plan
35 or ______
Concept Plan
35 or ______
Draft Plan of Subdivision and/or Draft Plan of Condominium
35 or ______
Site Plan & Site Plan Details
28 or ______
Park / Open Space Concept Plan
5 or ______
Building Elevations & Renderings
17 or ______
Building Floor Plans (including roof plans)
15 or ______
Landscape Plan & Details
17 or ______
Pedestrian Circulation Plan
35 or ______
Streetscape Plan
15 or ______
Site Servicing Plan
15 or ______
Grading & Drainage Plan (including topographic information
and erosion and sediment controls)
15 or ______
Truck Turning Plan
15 or ______
15 or ______
Construction Storage and Staging Plan
15 or ______
Demarcation of limits of natural features (i.e. top of bank and/or
natural hazards)
Erosion and Sediment Control Detail Plan
Lighting Plan and/or Photometric Plan
Pavement Marking and Signage Plan
35 or ______
15 or ______
15 or ______
Materials to be Provided in Electronic and Paper Form Required Paper Copies Notes
Reports & Studies
Completed Application Form
6 or ______
Planning Justification Report / Letter
10 or ______
Character Impact Analysis
10 or ______
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
10 or ______
Draft Official Plan Amendment
10 or ______
Urban Design Brief
6 or ______
Tree Vegetation Study / Arborist Report and
Tree Protection Plan
6 or ______
Functional Servicing Report / Study
10 or ______
Stormwater Management Study / Report
10 or ______
Environmental Impact Statement / Study
10 or ______
Transportation Impact Analysis
8 or ______
Heritage Impact Assessment
6 or ______
Archæological Assessment
6 or ______
Market Impact Study
6 or ______
Capital Impact Assessment
6 or ______
Noise & Vibration Study
6 or ______
Geotechnical / Soils Report
6 or ______
Environmental Site Assessment (i.e. Phase 1)
6 or ______
North Oakville
Environmental Implementation Report / Functional
Servicing Study
15 or ______
Map and Accompanying Tables Showing Densities and
35 or ______
NOUFSMP / Tree Canopy Cover Plan and Calculation
3 or ______
Planning Statistics Spreadsheet
10 or ______
Sustainability Checklist
10 or ______
Transit Facilities Plan
Area Design Plan
35 or ______
3-D Computer Model (i.e. SketchUp)
1 or ______
1. Conformity with Regional Official Plan land use designation: Yes
If “No”, an application has been made to amend the Regional Official Plan: Yes
2. Existing Official Plan designation: ____________________________________________________
Conformity with the Town’s Official Plan land use designation: Yes
More Information Required
If “No”, the nature of the amendment needed: ___________________________________
3. Existi
ng Zoning: __________________________________________________________________
Conformity with the Town’s Zoning By-law: Yes
More Information Required
Sample Materials Board
1 or ______
Executed Adhesion Agreement
6 or ______
6 or ______
Shadow Impact Analysis
6 or ______
If “No”, the proposed zoning is: _____________________________________________________
4. Related File No.: _________________________________________________________________
5. Informal Open House: To be held on: ________________ Has been held on: _______________
6. Additional Agencies / Departments to be contacted:______________________________________
7. A site walk is required as a second part of the pre-consultation meeting: Yes No
If “Yes”, the site walk is scheduled for (date & time): _______________________________________
The purpose of this agreement is to identify the information required to prepare a complete application as set
out in the
Planning Act.
Pre-consultation does not imply or suggest any decision whatsoever on the part of
Town staff or the Corporation of the Town of Oakville to either support or refuse the application. Comments
provided at a pre-consultation meeting are preliminary and based on the information submitted for review at
that time.
When a formal application is made, the cheque for the application fee may be processed immediately;
however, this does not constitute the application being deemed complete for
Planning Act
purposes. An annual
maintenance fee will apply to all applications, one year after being deemed complete for Planning Act
purposes, and annually thereafter.
c) For all applications for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision and Plan of
Condominium, the applicant acknowledges that the Town is not responsible for the construction or
installation of the sign and the applicant agrees to submit a photo of the sign on the property. This shall be
submitted within one week of receiving confirmation of a complete application.
d) This agreement expires 6 months from the date of signing or at the discretion of the Director of Planning or
his/her designate. In the event that this Pre-consultation Agreement expires prior to the application being
accepted, and/or new policy and/or by-laws apply, another agreement may be required.
e) An application submitted without the requisite information and number of copies identified in this Pre-
consultation Agreement, or in the Site Plan application form, will not be considered a complete application. If a
site walk is required, the application may not be considered complete until it has taken place.
f) All reports, documents and drawings (including two sets of reduced copies of all plans (11”x17” or “x11”))
must be submitted in paper and electronic (i.e. PDF or JPG) form.
g) Acknowledgement of Public Information:
The applicant acknowledges that the Town considers the application forms and all supporting materials,
including studies and drawings, filed with any application to be public information and to form part of the public
record. By filing an application, the applicant consents to the Town photocopying, posting on the Internet
and/or releasing the application and any supporting materials either for its own use in processing the application
or at the request of a third party, without further notification to or permission from the applicant. The applicant
also hereby states that it has authority to bind its consultants to the terms of this acknowledgement.
h) Additional studies may be required during the processing of an application, depending on the issues identified
and information required, as the application proceeds through the planning review process.
i) Prior to undertaking any topsoil stripping or earthworks, the applicant is required to obtain a site alteration
permit in accordance with the Town‟s Site Alteration By-law.
j) Applicants are advised that the removal of trees prior to a final decision being made, or a site alteration
permit is issued, is strongly discouraged by the Town.
k) Where applications may consider potential emissions, please refer to the Town‟s Health Protection Air Quality
By-law (2010-035) at
Staff Signatures:
____________________ _____________________ _________________
Town Planning Staff Planning Staff (Signature) Date
____________________ _____________________ _________________
Regional Planning Staff Regional Staff (Signature) Date
____________________ _____________________ _________________
Conservation Authority Staff Conservation Authority Staff Date
Proponent Signatures:
By signing this agreement, I/we acknowledge that, subject to any appeals, the drawings, reports and
other requirements indicated above must be submitted along with a completed application form, any
information or materials prescribed by statute in both paper (including reduced copies) and electronic
form, the required planning applications‟ fees and this executed Pre-consultation agreement to be
considered complete. In addition, I have read, understood, and agreed to the Notes listed above.
____________________ _____________________ _________________
Agent (Print) Agent (Signature) Date
(I have the authority to bind the Owner)
____________________ _____________________ _________________
Owner (Print) Owner (Signature) Date
Overview of Submission Requirements
Terms of Reference for Listed Studies / Reports can be found at:
Archæological Assessment
A report must be completed in accordance with Provincial requirements and the Regional Archæological
Master Plan in or near areas of archæological potential.
Aerial Photograph(s)
A recently dated and high-resolution aerial photo showing the context of the application is required for all
Area Design Plan
Where the North Oakville Masterplan is not being followed, an Area Design plan must be submitted.
Building Elevations
Drawings or Plans which illustrate the exterior design of a building including the proposed building
materials. Drawings can be either 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional. At least 2 sets of drawings must be
rendered in colour.
Building Floor Plans (including Roof Plans)
Drawings or Plans which illustrate the layout and measurement of a building‟s floorplate and roof, including,
but not limited to: the location of stairwells, elevators, hallways, garbage / recycling areas, and common
areas, among other elements.
Capital Impact Assessment
A Capital Impact Assessment estimates the cost of local municipal capital infrastructure required to service a
new development. In general, this must be completed for any new development proposing more than two
residential units, or more than 5000 sq. m. of non-residential development.
Character Impact Analysis
This study explains how the development will maintain and protect the existing character of the community
it is proposed within. Specific reference to Part „D‟, s. 11.1.8 and 11.1.9 is required.
Completed Application Form
The application form which indicates the prescribed information.
Computer Model
A 3-dimensional digital model of the building(s) and context. The model is to be completed in Google
Sketchup or AutoCAD.
Concept Plan
Concept plan showing the proposed development in context of adjacent lands including land across the
street. The plan is to show all buildings, land uses, sidewalks, walkways, driveways, street trees, street
intersections and any other natural or made-made elements.
Construction Storage and Staging Plan
A plan that identifies the storage location of construction vehicles and supplies during the construction of
the project.
Heritage Impact Assessment
A Heritage Impact Assessment demonstrates how new development involving a heritage resource will
preserve, protect, improve and/or manage the resource(s).
Demarcation of limits of natural features (i.e. top of bank and/or natural hazards)
A recent plan of survey showing the staked limits of natural features (e.g. physical top of bank, stable top of
bank, natural heritages system limit, natural hazards and/or lands regulated by a Conservation Authority) to
the satisfaction of Halton Region, the applicable Conservation Authority and the Town of Oakville. Natural
features requiring protection shall be clearly staked in the field and construction fencing shall be installed to
the satisfaction of the Town in accordance with the Site Alteration By-law requirements.
Draft Official Plan Amendment
The applicant must provide proposed amended text and/or map amendments for consideration.
Draft Plan of Subdivision and/or Draft Plan of Condominium
(The information required on plans is
to be in accordance with the
Planning Act
and its regulations. See Appendix E for details. All drawings are to
be folded to 8.5” x 14” with the title block exposed).
a) A copy of the proposed subdivision or condominium draft plan with key maps
b) In addition to the paper copies, and .PDF copies required, three electronic copies of the plans are to be
submitted in a format compatible with the Town‟s current software requirements. The current standard is a
vector format “DXF” file.
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
The applicant must provide text and schedules for proposed Zoning By-law Amendments.
Environmental Impact Statement / Study
These statements address, among other things, contain a description of the proposal, a description of the
natural environment, an assessment of environmental effects, a description of mitigating measures and
Environmental Implementation Report / Functional Servicing Study
An Environmental Implementation Report must be prepared for the subcatchment area(s) of North Oakville
where the proposal is located. The reports shall be in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference.
Environmental Site Screening Questionnaire
A copy of the Environmental Site Screening Checklist is attached within Appendix D. Applicants should
contact Halton Region for historical data and any environmental records. In accordance with the protocol for
contaminated sites, the possibility of site contamination may result in a required Phase 1 Environmental
Assessment, Phase 2 Environmental Assessment and/or Record of Site Condition.
Financial Impact Study
A Financial Impact Study generally evaluates the growth-related financial impacts of development in a
coordinated and consistent manner, including impacts on capital and operating municipal services, and the
estimated cost and timing of capital infrastructure.
Functional Servicing Report / Study
Functional servicing studies address a number of engineering issues. There are separate terms of reference
for Functional Servicing Studies related to lands north or south of Dundas Street.
Geotechnical / Soils Report
This report analyses soil composition to determine its structural stability and its ability to accommodate
Grading & Drainage Plan
A plan that illustrates how a property drains and how the grades of a property are directing stormwater.
Landscape Plan and Landscape Details
A plan that identifies the proposed landscaping design for a property including illustration of the natural
features, planting scheme, plant materials, paving, lighting, and irrigation system, among other elements.
The Landscape Details Plan illustrates the specifications for planting and installation of landscaping features.
Map and Accompanying Table Showing Densities and Designations
The map should clearly show the designation of all blocks and lots (i.e. Sub-urban, General Urban,
Neighbourhood Centres, and/or Urban Core). The accompanying table must provide the density calculations
on a net hectare basis.
Market Impact Study
The purpose of a market impact study is to address the existing market and potential impacts of an
application. These studies will be evaluated by the Town on the basis of a peer review to be undertaken at
the applicant‟s expense.
Noise and Vibration Report
A noise and/or vibration study determines the impact on adjacent developments and recommends
mitigation measures.
Park / Open Space Concept Plan
Required for any application where all or part of a new Town park or addition to a Town park is included as
part of the proposal. The required facilities and standards are available from the Parks and Open Space
Pavement Marking and Signage Plan
A plan that identifies how driveway and pedestrian areas will be signed and/or marked for travel.
Pedestrian Circulation Plan
Pedestrian circulation drawing should outline the following: Nodes/Activity Centres/Open Space/Transit
Facilities; Barriers; Landmarks/Focal Points; Edges; Residential Land Use Areas; Proposed Densities; and,
Street Pattern.
Planning Justification Report / Letter
For all applications, a qualified planner must submit a report providing planning justification for the proposal
based on the principles and objectives of Provincial, Region and Local planning documents.
Planning Statistics Spreadsheet
In submitting a complete application, the applicant must complete the North Oakville Planning Statistics
spreadsheet that can be downloaded from the Town‟s website and submitted in an electronic form.
Reductions of Draft Plans
Reduced versions of plans shall be provided on 8½” by 11” paper.
Site Plan and Site Plan Details
A Site Plan illustrates the technical details of a project including vehicle and pedestrian access, detailed
measurements of building footprints and setbacks from property lines, parking areas, and drive aisles
among other elements. The Site Plan Details provide the specifications of various elements on the site.
Site Servicing Plan
A plan that illustrates the location of underground or overhead services and where they are entering the
property, their area of placement and how they will be accessed.
Stormwater Management Study / Report
Stormwater Management Reports address a number of engineering issues. There are separate terms of
reference to Functional Servicing Studies in North Oakville and South Oakville.
Streetscape Plan
A plan that identifies how the area of the property in the private realm will integrate with the existing or
proposed streetscape design in the public realm. The plan generally needs to identify paving and planting
materials, including measurements and cross-sections.
Survey / Legal Plan
Current survey prepared by a qualified Ontario Land Surveyor that includes the location and nature of any
easement affecting the subject land.
Sustainability Checklist
The Sustainability Checklist is used for assessing, encouraging and evaluating the features of a development
application that contribute to sustainable development.
Transit Facilities Plan
The Transit Facilities Plan addresses transit facilities in the planning of subdivisions and their integration into
the transit network. The Plan includes a number of components that must be submitted at different stages
in the Planning Process. The initial component must be submitted in conjunction with a Functional Servicing
Study. Please refer to the North Oakville Transit Plan.
Transportation Impact Study
These can be required by Town or Regional staff. Contact the Town‟s Development Services Department
staff (Town roads) or Regional Public Works staff (Regional roads) for background information.
Tree Vegetation Study and Tree Protection Plan
A tree survey must be prepared by a qualified professional, identifying all existing trees, their type, size and
condition, those trees proposed to be removed and retained, and the methods to be used to ensure
preservation of those trees to be retained. In some cases, only a Tree Inventory Plan will be sufficient, and
at the discretion of Town staff.
Truck Turning Plan
This Plan illustrates how delivery trucks and/or garbage trucks will load and unload materials on the site and
the location of travel through the site.
Urban Design Brief
The purpose of the Urban Design Brief is to illustrate a detailed design solution for new development based
on a thorough contextual analysis of the site and the surrounding area.
Information Requirements for
Plans of Subdivision or Condominium
Subsection 51(17) Requirements:
the boundaries of the land proposed to be subdivided certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor
the locations, widths and names of the proposed highways within the proposed subdivision and of
existing highways on which the proposed subdivision abuts
on a small key plan, on a scale of not less than one centimetre to 100 metres: all adjacent land
owned by the applicant or in which the applicant has an interest, all of the land adjacent to the
proposed subdivision that is owned by the applicant or in which the applicant has an interest, every
subdivision adjacent to the proposed subdivision and the relationship of the boundaries of the land
to be subdivided to the boundaries of the township lot or other original grant of which the land
forms the whole or part
the purpose for which the proposed lots are to be used
the existing uses of all adjoining lands
the approximate dimensions and layout of the proposed lots
natural and artificial features such as buildings or other structures or installations, railways,
highways, watercourses, drainage ditches, wetlands and wooded areas within or adjacent to the
land proposed to be subdivided
the availability and nature of domestic water supplies
the nature and porosity of the soil
existing contours or elevations as may be required to determine grade of highways and drainage of
proposed lands to be subdivided
the municipal services available or to be available to the land proposed to be subdivided
the nature and extent of any restrictions affecting the land proposed to be subdivided, including
restrictive covenants or easements
Other Information Requirements:
legend, map scale, north marker
boundary of property to be subdivided
lot and concession/registered plan number/street address
date prepared and dates of revisions
name and person or firm who prepared the plan
owner‟s name, signature and date of signature*
Ontario Land Surveyor‟s name and signature and date of signature
Site statistics (land use, number of lots/blocks, total area)
Conceptual trail system through public open space areas and/or the Natural Heritage System. The
final plan is to be in keeping with any applicable approved Environmental Implementation
Report/Functional Servicing Study to the satisfaction of the Town
All registered owners must sign. If there is more than one owner, a letter of authorisation is
necessary allowing one person to act on behalf of the others. If any registered owner fails to
sign or provide authorization, the application will be considered incomplete and will be returned.
Digital Mapping Requirements:
3 Compact Discs (CDs) containing the digital plotting of the draft plan, including the textual
description of the file format, map standards used, scale, contact person and general location and
legal information such as lot and concession.
Planning & Public Works
Tel: 905-825-6000 Fax: 905-825-8822
Toll Free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866)
Environmental Site-Screening Questionnaire
Legal/Municipal Address ____ ______ Applicant: ___
1. Was the subject property ever used for industrial purposes? yes no uncertain
2. Was the s
ubject property ever used for commercial purposes yes no uncertain
that may have caused contamination (e.g. gasoline station, dry
cleaners, etc.)
3. Has fill ev
er been placed on the property? yes no uncertain
4. Is th
ere any reason to believe that the subject property is yes no uncertain
potentially contaminated based on historic use of the property
or a neighbouring lot located within 100m of the property?
5. Are there o
r were there ever any above-ground or underground yes no uncertain
storage tanks or waste disposal activities on the property?
6. For
existing or previous buildings on the property, are there yes no uncertain
building materials that may be potentially hazardous to human
health (i.e. asbestos, lead-based paints, etc.)?
7. For
agricultural properties, were pesticides or herbicides ever yes no uncertain
applied to the property?
8. Have any of the buildings on the property been heated by fuel oil? yes no uncertain
9. Is the land use changing to a more sensitive land use (e.g. industrial/ yes no uncertain
commercial to residential/institutional)?
Note: Daycare uses are defined in O.Reg.153/04 as institutional.
General Inf
1. Have any environmental documents (e.g. Phase I and II Environmental yes no
Site Assessments, Records of Site Condition, etc) ever been prepared
for the property? If yes, please submit these documents in digital and
hardcopy format with your application together with a letter of reliance
granting third party reliance on the documents to the Region of Halton.
I, am the registered owner of the land that is the subject of this document and
to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this questionnaire is true.
Sworn (or declared) and stamped before me
Commissioner of Oaths (Print Name)
in the , this day of 20
City/Town/Municipality Day Month Year
Commissioner of Oaths (Signature) Registered Owner (Signature)
Regional File #: ____________________________________________________ Local Municipal File #: ___________________________________________________