Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.46 (as amended),
and will be used by Parks and Open Space staff to determine the number of applications received, approved, as well as the
parks involved. Questions about this collection should be referred to the Parks Technologist, Parks and Open Space
Department, Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 0H3. Phone 905-845-6601, extension 2894.
Park Name:
Project Location/Street Address:
Applicant Name:
Applicant Type:
Applicant Address:
Same as Project Location
Property Owner
Project Type:
Proposed Start Date:
Proposed End Date:
List of proposed equipment accessing Town land:
Include any additional details regarding your project that will assist in the review and clarity of your application:
Building Renovation
List of proposed material storage on Town land: Specifications/Quantity/Weight:
Provide a sketch or map detailing the access route, entry point, work area, and any applicable
storage areas. Your map should include any required tree hoarding, ground protections, and
sediment control.
I have read and understood the Permit Terms and Conditions on Page 3, and refundable security deposit
conditions attached herein.
The 2021 Parks Access Permit Fee is $180.00
Additionally, a refundable security deposit will be required before any work utilizing Town parkland may
commence. The minimum security deposit is $3000.00 however the actual amount for your project will be
determined by Parks staff after a site visit. The specific amount will be confirmed by the Town and will be
cashed, and returned upon completion of the project. Upon completion of reinstatement, the applicant must
request a final inspection from the Parks and Open Space Department Parks Technologist 905-845-6601,
Ext. 2894. The inspection will result in an approval of the reinstatement, or a report of deficiencies to the permit
holder. Reimbursement of securities will be issued after passing inspections from Parks and Open Space,
Transportation and Engineering, and/or any other T
own interests who have been involved with the project.
Failure to complete the restorations by the expiry date, or to obtain extension approval will result in Town
resources being used to reinstate the area. Labour, equipment, materials, and administration costs may be
deducted from the security and/or additionally charged to the permit holder.
Security Deposit submitted by:
Applicant (Same as Section 1)
Other (Complete Below)
Phone: Email:
Signature: Date:
Permit Fee Received:
Site Pre-Inspection By:
Permit Approval Date:
Permit Approver:
Security Deposit Returned $
Final Site Inspection By:
Site Pre-Inspection Date:
Once your application has been approved to proceed, the Permit Fee and Security Deposit can be paid
by Certified Cheque or Bank Draft made payable and delivered to the Town of Oakville, at 1225 Trafalgar
Rd., Oakville ON, L6H 0H3, or by Interac E-Transfer sent to
After we have received your payment, your Permit will be issued and work may commence.
Security Deposit Received:
Permit Approver Signature:
Permit Expiry Date:
Final Site Inspection Date:
Security Deposit Returned Date:
Relationship to Applicant:
click to sign
click to edit
1. Licenses & Contractors: The Town of Oakville(the
“Town”) requires that contractors working on or
crossing Town property have a valid business license,
requiring proof of insurance/security clearances. The
applicant will be responsible for any offences or
damages caused by contractors working with or under
the applicant and for any reinstatement needed.
2. Work Commencement & Duration: Work is not to
commence on Town land until an approved Park
Access Permit is issued and the applicant has
provided 3 business days advanced notice of their
intention to access the parkland. A detailed schedule of
works may be requested. This permit term shall run
from the approved start date to the expiry date, unless
suspended, terminated or extended by the Town (the
“Term”). Requests for extension must be made by the
permit-holder 10 days prior to the expiry of permit. The
maximum length of term for the permit(subject to
approved renewal) is 8 months.
3. Reinstatement: The applicant shall only been titled
to access that portion of the park shown on the
attached sketch (the “Lands”) and agrees to reinstate
the Lands and amenities to a similar or better condition
than existed prior to the commencement of the Term.
Reinstatement must be completed prior to the end of
the Term, unless the Town agrees otherwise. All
disturbed greenspace, including open parkland,
boulevards, trail heads/edges shall be reinstated using
sod. Sod shall be watered to a depth of 2.5 cm, twice
weekly, for a minimum of three weeks after installation.
4. Town Site Inspections: Inspection of the Lands is
necessary to determine compliance with this permit
and the applicant authorizes and consents to such
inspection. Upon completion of reinstatement work, it
is the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Town
to arrange a final inspection.
5. Legal Observance: The applicant shall at all times
in connection with its use of the Lands comply with all
laws, directions, rules and regulations of all
governmental authorities having jurisdiction. This is
including but not limited to Halton Region and Town
By-Laws and policies/regulations.
6. Indemnity: The applicant shall indemnify and hold
harmless the Town from any losses, claims, damages
or costs incurred as a result of the use of the Lands by
the applicant, including without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, claims for environmental damage or
cleanup on the Lands or adjacent lands that is directly
or indirectly, in whole or in part, attributable to the use
of the Lands by the applicant. The applicant shall use
the Lands and bring its property onto the Lands at its
sole risk, and the Town shall not be liable for any loss,
injury or damage caused to persons using the Lands or
to any property brought onto the Lands.
7. Liability Insurance: The applicant shall maintain an
insurance policy, including comprehensive general
liability and property damage insurance coverage, in an
amount not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) per
occurrence, which insurance shall name the Town as an
additional insured. A higher coverage amount may be
requested by the Town based on project scope and site.
The applicant shall provide evidence reasonably
satisfactory to the Town that such insurance coverage is
in force, and the policy shall require notification to the
Town in advance of any material adverse change or
cancellation of such policy.
8. Permit Suspension/Termination: The T
own reserves
the right to suspend or terminate the permit at any time
for any reason and shall not be liable for any loss of
whatsoever sort sustained by the applicant due directly
or indirectly, in whole or in part to such termination or
suspension. Notwithstanding an early termination or
suspension of the permit, the applicant shall remain fully
responsible for reinstatement of the Lands.
9. Damages: Any unforeseen damages to Town parkland
or Town assets must be reported directly to the Town
within 24 hours of discovery. The applicant is wholly
responsible for any damage to park
property/assets arising from this permit and shall
forthwith reinstate and rectify the deficiencies. If the
applicant fails to reinstate the Lands within the timeline
detailed by the Town, the Town may reinstate the Lands
and the applicant shall reimburse the Town the total cost
of repairs and supervision incurred to reinstate the park
to its original condition. This amount may be over and
above the retained security. Damages that pose a
potential risk or harm to the public must be reported
immediately and mitigated on-site.
10. Utility Locates: At the permit holder’s expense,
public and private utility locates must be completed prior
to any ground disturbances. Direct written approval is
required when working in the vicinity of a pipeline or on
HydroOne lands. The applicant shall submit a utility
locate with OntarioOneCall or contact TransCanada,
Enbridge, or Trans-Northern directly obtain clearances.