Town of Oakville
Application for Banner Permit
Organization Name: _______________________________________________________
Organization Address: ______________________________________________________
Applicant Name: ____________________________ Phone No.: __________________
Applicant Email Address: _____________________________________________________
Contact Name: ______________________________ Phone No.: __________________
(if different from above)
Emergency Contact: __________________________ Phone No.: __________________
Conditions of Approval
1. All banners shall comply with “Banner Services for Community Events” policies and procedures.
2. Location will be granted on a first-come first-serve basis. With the exception of the BIAs, no applications will
be accepted more than three months in advance of the display period.
3. Cross-street banners may be displayed for a maximum two-week period. Pole banners may be displayed for
a maximum four-week period. An extension request may be considered by the Town subject to applicable
permit/administrative fees.
4. The Town reserves the right to erect two banners concurrently at any cross-street or street pole location.
5. The Applicant agrees to “indemnify and save harmless” the Town of Oakville for any claim arising as a result
of the presence of their sign on the road allowance. A Certificate of Insurance with the Town of Oakville
named as co-insured in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) shall be submitted at the time of
5. The Town of Oakville assumes no responsibility for any damage sustained to the banner while on display.
The Town of Oakville reserves the right at any time to remove a banner that has been damaged and poses a
safety concern. There are no refunds for early removal of the banner regardless of the reason.
I, the Applicant, acknowledge reading and accept the Conditions of Approval for a banner in
the Town of Oakville. I declare that the purpose of the sign message shall be to advertise a
charitable or not-for-profit community service or event and is not to promote any business or
Applicant Signature: ________________________ Application Date: _________________
Placement Date: _______________________ Removal Date: _______________________
Message to Appear on Banner: ________________________________________________