University of Guelph, Office of Registrarial Services, Undergraduate Program Services,
Third Floor University Centre, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
519-824-4120 ext. 56125 Fax: (519) 766-0143
Course Description Request Form
Processing Fee: The charge for this service is $1.00 + HST (13%) per course
A. Student Information
Current Surname:____________________ First Name:__________________ Previous Surname:_______________
Student ID: __________________ OR SIN #: _____________________ Date of Birth (y/m/d):_______________
Street:_________________________ Apt./Unit:____________ City:_________________ Province:_________
Postal Code:______________ Home Phone #: ( )_________________ Work Phone #: ( )________________
Email:___________________________________________ Fax #: ( )______________________________
Student Signature:________________________________________________
B. Course(s) Description Requested
Year/Semester Course Fee - $1.00 per course
Sub Total
HST (13%)
All courses taken at the University of Guelph
Total Cost
C. Payment Information (please indicate if payment will be through Visa or MasterCard)
VISA MASTER CARD #: _______ / _______ /_______ / _______ expiry (m/y) _ _ _ / _ _ _
Card holder’s name __________________________________
Card holder’s signature (REQUIRED): _______________________________________________