Coronavirus Disease
COVID-19 Safety Plan Checklist for
Fitness and Recreation Facilities
(including facilities offering indoor
group physical activities)
Version 4.8
November 10, 2020
November 10, 2020
v. 4.2
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COVID-19 Safety Plan Checklist
Person Responsible:
Date plan created:
Name of Business:
Review completed by
(please print)
New Public Health Act Order Restricting Group Activities
On November 7
, 2020, BC’s Provincial Health Officer announced a variety of new protective
measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission in our region, including new restrictions on group
physical activities. Details on these restrictions can be found here.
Operators of businesses that conduct group physical activities may resume these activities after an
updated COVID-19 Safety Plan has been reviewed and approved by a local Medical Health Officer.
This document is designed to help owners and operators of indoor recreation facilities (including
fitness centres, yoga studios, weight training facilities, crossfit affiliates, martial arts clubs, dance
studios, climbing centres, indoor racket clubs and courts, ice rinks, curling clubs, batting cages etc) to
develop and communicate their existing COVID-19 Safety Plans.
Getting Started
The protocols in this COVID-19 Safety Plan checklist are aligned with existing WorkSafeBC guidelines
and are based upon current scientific knowledge; however they do not represent a comprehensive
list of all possible precautions that can be taken. This template is meant to be supportive, not
This document contains checklists as well as question/answer sections with blank space to explain
your guidelines, policies and procedures. It is not necessary to answer every question if they do not
apply; however, all safety measures taken should be indicated.
Each business must assess and understand their own risks when developing their safety plan, then
choose and implement the protocols deemed necessary to address those risks. It may also be
necessary to review and update your plan periodically as new data becomes available, and when
public health directives change.
We have created a w
orkplace COVID-19 Safety Plan by following the processes outlined
in the WorkSafeBC COVID-19 Safety Plan Guide.
I confirm that this Safety Plan meets the requirements of the PHO orders up to and
including the order of November 7, 2020.
Submit your updated COVID-19 Safety Plan along with a completed copy of
this document to
Lucky 9 Lanes
Ryan Reid
Unit 150 - 14200 Entertainment Way Blvd.
Nov 12, 2020
Ryan Reid
Nov 12, 2020
November 10, 2020
v. 4.2
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Levels of Protection
When selecting the appropriate combination of protocols for your workplace, it may be helpful to
understand the relative impacts each can have on controlling the risk of transmission in your
workplace. Some controls will be more difficult to implement but provide a greater level of
protection, while other controls will be easier to implement but provide less overall protection.
Level 1: Elimination Controls
These refer to measures to prevent sick individuals from entering the facility, and to prevent
crowding or close contact between people in the workplace. Ensuring physical distancing by
reducing the number of people onsite is considered an “elimination control,” this approach
eliminates or removes the hazard (i.e. infected people) from being at the workplace.
Level 2: Engineering Controls
These refer to new designs or modifications to facility layout, tools, equipment, ventilation
systems, and processes that reduce common touch surfaces and make interacting with others
Level 3: Administrative Controls
These refer to policies and standard operating proceduresat your workplace that alter the way
the work is done to reduce risks. Examples include timing of work, training, housekeeping,
equipment maintenance and personal hygiene practices.
Level 4: Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”)
This refers to protective gear worn by people in your workplace to reduce their contact with
other people who may potentially be infected with COVID-19 (e.g. masks, gloves, face shields, eye
protection). PPE should always be used in combination with other control measures listed above.
Most Effective
Consider First
Less Effective
Consider as needed
Stay home if sick
and maintain space
between people.
Change the design &
layout of the facility and
install barriers.
Engineering Controls
Establish rules, and change
policies, procedures and daily
Use personal protective equipment -
as a last resort, and always in
combination with other controls.
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Indoor Group Physical Activity
Self-Audit Questions
Describe the type of group physical activity offered at your facility (ex. yoga, spin, weight
Describe the physical layout of the space. Include photos if available. (ex. large garage style
gym, studio rooms, hotel gym with machines):
How many participants are allowed in each group activity or space?
How did you determine these numbers?
Describe how your COVID-19 Safety Plan has modified group physical activities to allow all
participants to maintain a safe distance.
We have restricted the number of people allowed in each area
We have indicated the occupancy of each space using signage
We have designated specific areas for different participants using visual markings
We have prepared the gear to be used in advance for participants and placed it in their
designated workout area
Open floor plan with bowling lanes, tables & chairs.
League Bowling
Open Public Bowling
League bowling numbers are recommended by Bowl BC and VIASport.
Open public bowling numbers are calculated at 20 lanes x chairs per lane so that
everyone can be seated and maintain social distance between people bowling.
We sanitize bowling balls and shoes after each individual use. We sanitize
tables, chairs, screens and balls returns after each group is finished. League
bowlers mostly use their own personal bowling balls and shoes.
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1 Indoor Group Physical Activity
Self-Audit Questions
Describe how your COVID-19 Safety Plan minimizes interactions between participants before
and after group physical activity (ex. entering and exiting the space, changing and showering,
early arrivals or late finishes):
The staff member or role responsible for ensuring adherence to the precautions in your COVID-
19 Safety Plan is (ex. Owner, coach on duty, personal trainer, instructor, front desk manager):
Describe the mask use policy at your facility:
Describe the procedure for informing a participant that they are not adhering to your facility’s
COVID-19 Safety Plan:
What are the consequences repeated cases of non-adherence to your COVID-19 Safety Plan by
staff or participants?
We control traffic with one main entrance and one main exit. We ask league
bowlers not to show up not any sooner than 20 mins before start time.
Front Desk staff and the Manager On Duty.
Masks are strongly encouraged for customers and mandatory for staff in all
public spaces.
We speak to the individual about company policies and ask them to adhere to
Staff are sent home if the do not adhere to company policy. Participants are
given a warning if they do not comply and asked not to return until they do.
Leagues will remove those players from teams.
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Make Space between People
Elimination Controls
To eliminate transmission of the virus from person to person through exposure to respiratory
droplets, we have taken the following voluntary measures designed to increase space between
people and avoid unnecessary contact (check all that apply):
Increased empty floor space by removing unnecessary materials, equipment, and
merchandise displays, especially in hallways, high traffic areas, and other small spaces.
Created separate entry/exit door paths.
Blocked access to equipment if it cannot be moved so that 2 meter distances are
Placed markers on the floor so clients know where moveable equipment is to be
positioned in case these items are moved by clients.
Marked out squares on the floor in rooms that conduct group classes so that patrons are
able to be 2 meters apart for the duration of the session.
Instructors will not engage in exercise while teaching.
For classes requiring partnered activities (ex. paired dance, combat sports), participants
will only have contact with one designated partner.
For high intensity classes where a greater dispersion of droplets is likely from each client
due to higher intensity breathing and movement, a minimum distance of 3 metres is to
be provided between clients.
Indoor group physical activities and sports where physical distancing cannot be
maintained have been replaced with individual exercise or practice that allows everyone
to maintain a safe physical distance.
Eliminated activities that involve close contact with other people. (ex. spotters during
weight training, sparring/grappling in martial arts studios, games in contact sports,
dance classes with partner changes or multi-person formations, etc.)
Coaching sessions no longer involve direct contact, and instead use verbal cues, videos,
written materials and/or practice plans to provide instruction.
Describe any other procedures you have in place to create space between participants and staff:
We have two plexiglass partitions between the public and front desk staff.
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Employee and Participant Sickness
Elimination Controls
To eliminate transmission of the virus from person to person through exposure to respiratory
droplets, we have taken the following measure designed to exclude sick individuals:
Employees or participants who have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, even if
symptoms are mild, are told to remain at home and encouraged to contact their family
physician, primary care provider, or HealthLink BC at 811.
Describe how this is communicated to employees and participants:
A daily screening of all participants and staff is conducted using the COVID-19 symptom
check list. (A list of symptoms associated with COVID-19 can be found on the BCCDC
Describe how active daily in-person screening is conducted:
Administrative Controls
To reduce the risk of infected individuals spreading the virus to others, we have the following
policies and/or standard operating procedures in place (check all that apply):
We have a sick leave policy and the policy has been communicated to all staff. Staff are
aware that they are supported to stay home when they feel sick.
We have operational contingency plans in cases where employees must remain home
when sick for the continued safe operation of our business.
Explain (ex. How will you operate if several staff members are required to self-isolate?)
If while at the site, an employee or participant starts experiencing symptoms of
respiratory illness consistent with COVID-19, even if symptoms are mild, the employee or
participant are directed to leave work immediately, go straight home, and use the BC
COVID-19 self-assessment tool, contact their family physician/primary care provider, or
Health Link BC at 8-1-1 for guidance. Anyone experiencing symptoms associated with
COVID-19 can receive a COVID-19 test.
We ensure that objects and surfaces touched by employees or participants with
symptoms who have gone home are cleaned and disinfected before being used by
Employees through staff meetings, regular check-ins and temperature checks upon
arrival at work. League participants have signed waivers about COVID-19 and the
steps they must take if feeling ill.
Temperature checks are completed on staff upon arrival.
We have multiple staff that can work in different positions in the workplace to
cover anyone that may need to self-isolate.
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Personal Hygiene
Elimination Controls
To reduce the risk of transmission of the virus from person to person through exposure to
respiratory droplets:
Our employees have been directed to replace physical greetings with non-contact
Engineering Controls
We have made the following changes to the physical environment:
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is available at the entrance and throughout the facility.
Liquid soap and single-use paper towels are supplied in all washrooms and at designated
hand washing sinks.
Administrative Controls
To limit spread of the virus by promoting good personal hygiene, including hand washing, hand
sanitizing, and cough/sneeze etiquette, we have the following policies and/or standard operating
procedures in place (check all that apply):
Hand washing with soap and water is encouraged at the start and end of activities, before
eating, after returning from breaks, and when hands are visibly soiled.
Other good hygiene principles are promoted, including cough/sneeze etiquette and
washing hands before touching your face.
Sharing of food, beverages, cigarettes or vaping equipment is discouraged.
Training for employees has been provided so they know about the virus and understand
how to minimize its spread.
Describe any other control measures you have in place pertaining to personal hygiene:
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Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
In addition to other controls (i.e. barriers and distancing), we require staff and
participants to wear a mask in the facility at all times, except when exercising, showering
or when otherwise not possible.
Our staff and participants understand that mask use is not a substitute for observing
physical distancing requirements.
The following tasks require the use of personal protective equipment (describe, if any):
If using PPE, the following information/guidance has been provided (check all that apply):
Non-medical masks may help prevent the risk of transmission from the wearer.
Masks can become contaminated on the outside when touched by hands so employees
should avoid touching or adjusting them often.
Masks that become wet, soiled or damaged are less effective and must be replaced
Masks must be put on and taken off correctly, including not touching the front of the
mask, and washing hands.
Cloth masks should be washed every day using the warmest water setting, and stored in a
clean dry place to prevent contamination.
Masks should never be shared with others.
If a non-cloth mask is used, employees know these items are single-use; they cannot be
cleaned or reused.
Describe any other control measures that are in place which include the use of personal
protective equipment:
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Modify the Environment
Level 2: Engineering Controls
To reduce common touch points and make interacting with others safer, we have made the
followingchanges to the physical environment: (check all that apply):
Using an outdoor spaces for all or selected activities (specify below).
Propping doors open so people can pass through without having to touch handles.
Demarcated employee-only areas and not allowing clients to enter these spaces.
Installed protective shields at customer service and client consultation spaces.
Added floor decals and signage to facilitate the flow of people.
Provided touch-free soap and paper towel dispensers.
Increased the building ventilation and/or availability of outdoor air.
Portable fans or air conditioning units are set-up to avoid blowing air directly from one
person’s breathing zone to other occupants of a room.
Describe the building ventilation arrangement and how it minimizes droplet spread:
Level 3: Administrative Controls
To reduce common touch points and make interacting with others safer, we have the following
policies and/or standard operating procedures in place (check all that apply):
On-line sign-up is provided with fixed blocks of time for the entire facility.
Drop-ins have been cancelled.
At least one staff member is present at all times to monitor control measures.
Patrons are required to contain all personal items in their own gym bag at all times when
not in use.
Encouraging use of pre-payment using online services, or touch-free payment.
Ventilation comes from above (the ceiling) and blows down. It is a large room,
approx 40,000 sq ft so proper ventilation is not an issue.
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Level 2: Engineering Controls
To prevent COVID-19 from spreading through contaminated surfaces, we have made the
following changes to the physical environment (check all that apply):
We have separate cleaning supplies for different areas within the building.
There are multiple plastic lined waste containers to dispose of used tissues, wipes, gloves,
and other cleaning materials.
Disinfectant & single-use paper towel is available for staff in all areas of the premises.
Level 3: Administrative Controls
To prevent COVID-19 from spreading through contaminated surfaces, we have the following
policies and/or standard operating procedures in place (check all that apply):
In addition to following our regular sanitation plan, we have a checklist of high-touch
surfaces to clean and disinfect more frequently throughout the day (for example: weights,
mats, blocks, balls, machines, hand holds, bars, door knobs, switches, touch screens, sales
registers, counters, railings, faucets, etc.)
Daily disinfection schedules are posted.
Team members sign off when disinfection tasks are completed.
Any person required to clean has received the appropriate training.
Bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected thoroughly, and on a more frequent basis.
Staff responsible for handling dirty laundry use disposable gloves when handling.
Clean and used towel bins are clearly marked.
Towels and linens are washed and dried on the warmest/hottest possible setting.
Identify the surface disinfectant(s) used at your premises:
Used on:
Contact time:
Lysol Disinfectant spray and wipes
Counter tops, rental shoes and tables
After each use
Micro striker by Kegel
Bowling balls, ball returns, screens, tables and chairs
After each group or individual use
Medaphene+ disinfectant spray
Rental shoes
After each use
Genesis Health and Hygiene hand sanitizer 80%
Hands / dispensers
Frequently, as needed
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Managing Information
Engineering Controls
To stay informed, follow public health advice and make sure shared information is clear, accurate
and easy to find, we have made the following changes to the physical environment (check all
that apply):
Describe the system in place for booking group physical activity or access to workout spaces:
Signs on front doors telling anyone who is feeling ill not to enter.
Physical distancing signs in common areas.
Hand hygiene posters near to all bathroom and kitchen sinks.
About our Signs:
Our signs use multiple languages, pictures and diagrams.
The font size on our signs is large enough to read from 2 metres away.
Signs subject to weather or water damage are protected in plastic sleeves.
Signage is posted in a conspicuous area.
Administrative Controls
To stay informed, follow public health advice and make sure shared information is clear, accurate
and easy to find, we are using the following policies and/or standard operating procedures:
Describe how your COVID-19 Safety Plan is communicated to staff and participants:
Management maintains records of the people who worked together. These records are
kept for at least 30 days.
Management maintains records of all clients using the facility.
Public messaging on websites, in social media, emails, press releases, and used during
conversations with customers is maintained and kept up-to-date to ensure all details are
aligned, timely and accurate.
Team members are encouraged to provide regular feedback on any issues with COVID-19
prevention measures.
We are currently not taking any bookings for groups.
We have a COVID-19 plan at the front desk for staff to read and for
participants we have it on our social media as well as signs in the building.
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Handling Shared Equipment
Engineering Controls
To prevent transmission via the use of shared equipment, we have made the following changes to
the physical environment (check all that apply):
All shared equipment that cannot be properly disinfected has been removed from use.
The layout of the space has been altered so that clients can easily pick-up the item they
want without having to touch other items (e.g. free weights).
A designated area with cleaning supplies has been provided for non-stationary equipment
(e.g. balls, blocks, mats, resistance bands, skipping ropes, wobble boards, and foam
rollers) to facilitate cleaning and disinfection in between uses.
Customers are encouraged to bring their own gear for personal use whenever practical,
to reduce sharing of equipment
Employees are available to wipe down shared equipment and/or monitor that clients have
done so.
Disinfectant is available in all areas where shared equipment is kept, so clients can wipe
down items themselves.
Administrative Controls
Patrons are directed to use handwashing/hand sanitizer stations before and after
using/renting equipment.
Employees are directed to wash their hands after touching anything that has been in the
client’s possession and before helping the next client.
We have extended times between rentals to allow for thorough cleaning and disinfection
for COVID-19.
Linens are washed using the hottest water possible and dried thoroughly.
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Staff Scheduling & Meetings
Elimination Controls
To eliminate transmission of the virus from person to person through exposure to respiratory
droplets, we have taken the following measures designed to increase space between people and
avoid unnecessary contact:
Team members who can work from home or remotely are encouraged to do so.
We have implemented ‘cohort staffing’ (forming small groups of team members who will
consistently work together without crossover).
Example of cohort staffing:
Breaks for individuals or cohorts are staggered to avoid crowding in break areas.
Start times are staggered to avoid crowding in common areas.
Staff training is done in small groups with social distancing, or online.
Engineering Controls
To limit contact between team members we have made the following changes to the physical
Designated extra rooms or areas for breaks.
Encourage use of outdoor spaces for breaks.
Use large rooms, outdoor spaces, or virtual options for team huddles and meetings.
Are there any other changes to general staffing or protocols around meetings and trainings:
Other Resource Materials:
WorkSafe BC Protocol for Returning to Operations
WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Attendant (OFAA) protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic
Current Provincial Health Officer Orders under the Public Health Act
BC Center for Disease Control COVID-19 Resources
Shift A
Shift B
Shift A
Shift B