High School • Emotional & Mental Health
Anorexia Nervosa
What is it?
What causes it?
What are the symptoms?
What are the consequences?
How is it treated?
Bulimia Nervosa
What is it?
What causes it?
What are the symptoms?
What are the consequences?
How is it treated?
Understanding Mental Health Disorders
Directions: Based on your reading, fill in the answers to the questions for
the mental health disorder for which you’re the “expert.” Be prepared to
share the key information with your group. Fill in the information on the other
disorders as each group expert presents the facts about it.
High School • Emotional & Mental Health
Understanding Mental Health Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
What is it?
What causes it?
What are the symptoms?
What are the consequences?
How is it treated?
What is it?
What causes it?
What are the symptoms?
What are the consequences?
How is it treated?