High School • Emotional & Mental Health
Conflict Resolution Roleplay
Directions: Work with your partner to create a roleplay about a conflict
2 people your age who are friends or in a relationship might have.
• Describethesituation.Whoarethecharactersandwhat’stheconict
they’re having?
• WritetherstlineforPersonAthatcouldstarttheconict,andaline
Person B could say to defuse the conflict.
• Thenwriteatleast3morelinesforPersonAand3morelinesfor
Person B. Have Person B use at least 3 of the strategies you’ve
learned for defusing and negotiating the conflict.
• IncludealinethatshowsthatPersonBistryingtounderstand
Person A’s point of view.
• Besureyourroleplayendswiththeconictbeingresolved.Writeanal
line for Person A that shows the conflict has been resolved.
(Who are the characters and what’s the conflict they’re having?)