12/58295 August 2012
Volume and rate of discharge
Proposed method of flow measurement:
Calibrated meter Manufacturer’s specification Other (please specify)
Does the system include a macerator/grinder unit?
Is there a pre-treatment system (e.g. grease trap or similar)
If yes, please specify (type, volume, frequency of clean-outs)
Number of toilet pans and urinals on site
Diameter of sewer being discharged into
Please include as-built plans or sketch of drainage layout
Please include any supporting information you may have, i.e. material safety data sheets for chemicals,
existing resource consents, evidence of pre-treatment maintenance, etc
Compliance statement (to be completed by executive representative of registered company)
The discharge referred to in this application complies with all conditions of the Trade Waste Bylaw 2008. The
discharge does not contain any substances which are specifically prohibited under Schedule 1B of the Trade
Waste Bylaw 2008. I understand that under Section 4.10.2(d) of this bylaw, failure to limit trade waste
discharges to within the parameters specified in Whangarei District Council’s Trade Waste Consent or
Special Agreement issued under this bylaw can be reasonable grounds for cancellation of this consent.
Designation (please print)
Business name (please print)
Additional documents attached
Drainage plan/sketch attached
Please note - Application fee(s) apply.