Private Bag 9023 | Whangarei 0148 | New Zealand
T: 09 430 4200 | 0800 WDC INFO | 0800 932 463 | F: 09 438 7632
W: | E:
10/109423 October 2010
Corridor Access Request
As agent/principal
Notify you: Road Corridor Coordinator, Simon Megchelse Ph: +64 9 09 470 3031 Mobile: 027 270 3820
Of our intention to undertake the following work
Details of proposed work (indicate all aspects)
Installing cabinet/pedestal or chamber/pole
Local Authority – Roading/Waste/Water
Installing structure or other (specify below)
State Highway Authority/Rail Authority
Trenchless construction/overhead
Open trenching/pavement repairs (specify below)
Event organiser/body/management
Removing pole/cabinet/pedestal/structure
Parade/sport event/community event/other
* 24 month maintenance liability period starts once Council signs off a submitted works completion notice
If the above information is not provided, the C.A.R will be deemed not to have been lodged.
Lodgement will be deemed when the required information has been submitted complete with applicable
We hereby agree for/or on behalf of the utility operator, to comply in full with the requirements of the code:
Utilities’ Access to the Transport Corridors, and any other reasonable conditions required by the Corridor Manager
and to keep this notice on site while work is in progress. This request is valid for six (6) months from date of issue.
Note: All work must comply with Health & Safety Act 1991 or any amendments to it.