06/337654 March 2011 2
What is the current use of the site and surrounding area
Note If possible please provide photographs of the subject site with your application.
Assessment of environmental effects
An assessment of environmental effects is required with all resource consent applications. You will need to
consider actual and potential effects, and whether they will be minor or significant.
The detail of the assessment should reflect the magnitude of your proposal, (i.e. if you are constructing a
garage, your AEE will be simple, as opposed to an AEE for a motel complex).
If any effects as unknown it is recommended that you obtain professional advice to determine what the
effects will be.
What aspects of your proposal will affect
Others on your property and/or your neighbour (e.g. shading of their property, stormwater flow, increased noise)
Will these effects be significant or minor, and how can they be reduced
What effects will the proposal have on the wider community
Will these effects be significant or minor, and how can they be reduced
Maori culture (e.g. destroy or occupy site of significance to Maori)
Will these effects be significant or minor, and how can they be reduced
Any ecosystems (e.g. habitats for flora/fauna)