Forum North | Private Bag 9023 | Whangarei 0148 | New Zealand
T: 09 430 4200 | 0800 WDC INFO | 0800 932 463 | F: 09 438 7632
W: | E:
10/84574 August 2010
Application for section 223/section 224 certification of subdivision
Council subdivision reference
Certification required
other (specify)
Is electronic plan/certifications provided via LandonLine
Note –
if lodging your application via email, please send it to
2 Condition(s) of consent requirements
As a registered professional surveyor, I confirm
I hereby attach all information required to satisfy Whangarei District Council that all conditions specified
in the subdivision consent referenced above (in terms of certification required) have been met
I accept that where it is found that not all information required under clause 1 above is provided, this
application shall be returned to the address for service re-lodgement
Where an engineering or similar professionally prepared plan and supporting information
(such as
landscaping or ecological plan)
has to be approved by council, I have attached written evidence of such
Where evidence of completion and approval of all physical works is required
(e.g. construction of services,
landscape planting)
I have attached written evidence of such approval
Where an application has been made via LandonLine, the required electronic certification documents
have been prepared and sent to council for consideration and approval