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Application to speak at Public Forum
Date of application
Public Forum
A period of 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum at the commencement of each monthly
Council meeting.
The time allowed for each speaker is 5 minutes.
Members of the public who wish to participate should send a written application setting out the
subject matter and the name(s) of the speaker(s) to the Chief Executive Officer c/- the Senior
Meeting Co-ordinator at least 2 working days before the day of the meeting.
Completing this application form is considered ‘written application. Please note your application to
speak at Public Forum may be declined by the Chairperson. Completion of this form does not
indicate any obligation on Council to accept applications to speak at Public Forum
I wish to speak at public forum at the Council meeting on:
Full name
Your contact details (email or postal address & contact phone number required)
Approved by Chairperson
Yes No
Applicant advised