The Florida Bar
651 E. Jefferson Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300
Toll Free 1-866-352-0707 (ACAP)
Please read all instructions carefully before completing the inquiry/complaint form. If the form is not properly
completed it may be returned for correction. You may submit up to a total of 25 pages including the
inquiry/complaint form and exhibits. You may indicate that additional evidence or exhibits are available upon
request. If you have not already done so, you may contact the Attorney/Consumer Assistance Program (ACAP) at
the above toll free number, to see if they can help resolve the matter about which you wish to complain. Please
legibly print or type in black ink only.
PLEASE NOTE: The Florida Bar cannot intervene on your behalf in a civil or criminal case, nor can we give you
legal advice. We do not have jurisdiction to consider complaints against judges and many elected officials. Our
lawyer regulation department considers whether an attorney has violated our rules of conduct and determines
whether, under the totality of the circumstances, The Florida Bar will seek discipline against the attorney. If your
inquiry/complaint is closed, you will receive a written explanation of the reasons for the closure.
PART ONE – Complainant Information. You must give your name, address, email address and phone number.. If
you have already contacted ACAP, please indicate your ACAP reference number in the space provided. If your
inquiry/complaint pertains to a matter currently in litigation, please indicate that in the space provided.
PART TWO – Attorney Information. You must give the name, Bar Number, address, email and phone number of
the subject attorney. The Bar Number and address of the attorney are particularly important as many lawyers have
the same or similar names. You may find the attorney’s Bar Number and contact information by going to
www.floridabar.org and searching under Find A Lawyer. List only one attorney per form (you may copy this
form if you need additional copies). The Florida Bar processes inquiry/complaint forms only against
individual attorneys, not against law firms or offices.
PART THREE – Facts/Allegations. Describe each thing about which you are complaining. Recite all of the details,
in chronological order, supplying dates where possible. Please be aware that simply alleging conclusions without
setting out facts that support those conclusions will result in the need for the Bar to ask you for additional
information and may delay a disposition of your complaint. Please number any additional pages you attach. If you
have letters, documents or other evidence, you should attach photocopies (DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL
DOCUMENTS). It is helpful if you mark your attachments as exhibits (A, B, C, etc.), and refer to them in your
description of your complaint. Please do not bind, staple, tab or index your documents. You may underline but
DO NOT HIGHLIGHT documents under any circumstances. Highlighting will obscure the underlying text
when scanned into our computers. Please do not attach media such as audio tapes, thumb/flash drives, CDs,
oversized documents, or photographs. We cannot process any media that cannot be scanned into the electronic
record. It is not necessary to include a copy of these instructions.
PART FOUR – Witnesses. Your inquiry/complaint will be considered even if there are no witnesses. If you have
witnesses, attach an additional sheet with the name, address and telephone number for each witness, and include a
brief description of the facts about which that witness would testify. If you do not attach a list of witnesses, we will
presume that you have no witnesses, other than the attorney and yourself.
PART FIVE – Signature. You must sign the form and certify under penalty of perjury that your allegations are true.
Unsworn complaints are not considered. Submit the original inquiry/complaint form to our office via U.S. Mail.
Photocopies of your signature are not accepted.
The Florida Bar, Attn.: ACAP
651 East Jefferson Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300