Virginia Student Councils Association
Advisor’s Handbook Order Form
The Virginia Student Councils Advisor’s Handbook – the first of its kind in the
Commonwealth of Virginia – is a “how-to” desk-top reference. It is user-friendly and will
be beneficial to all advisors, but especially to new and inexperienced advisors. The
Handbook includes many forms in ready condition that student council leaders and their
advisors can modify for their specific use.
VSCA Advisor’s Handbook ______ copies @ $50 each
Total amount enclosed ______
Handbook(s) to be shipped to:
Advisor Name: _________________________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: _____________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Make checks payable to “VSCA”. Please mail completed order form and check to:
4909 Cutshaw Avenue
Richmond, VA 23230