The Virginia Student
Councils Association has been
an organization for elementary,
middle level, and high school
student councils for over 100
years and remains the premier
leadership learning organization for student
leaders from public and private schools
throughout the commonwealth. By participating
in the VSCA, students become energized, positive
role models who support leadership and student
involvement in their schools and communities.
VSCA provides leadership learning experiences
and opportunities to practice the citizenship
skills necessary for effective participation in our
democratic society.
Teachers/advisors stay refreshed with new
ideas for school and community projects, enjoy
collegial support, and take advantage of
opportunities to showcase their school's student
council statewide. Teachers/advisors from
member schools say their membership provides
resources and opportunities for building student
leadership capacity in their schools by
networking with member schools throughout
The VASSP Department of Student
Leadership (DSL) administers the VSCA. The
VSCA membership year is September 1 - August
31. School membership is renewable each year and
also provides the school advisor with
complimentary membership in the Virginia
Association of Student Activity Advisors. School
member discounts apply to the annual convention
and all workshops, institutes, conferences, and
camps. We invite you to join the VSCA!
Virginia Student Councils Association
4909 Cutshaw Avenue • Richmond, Virginia 23230
Phone: (804) 355-4263 • Fax: (804) 355-4262
School Membership Information
Please type or print clearly.
School Name: ___________________________________________
School Address: _________________________________________
City/Zip: _____________________________________________
School Division Name: _____________________________________
School Phone: ________________________________________
School Fax: __________________________________________
VSCA Advisor:
This is my ______ year as an advisor.
Full Name: ___________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________
Advisor Name : ____________________________________
(if applicable)
Advisor Email: _____________________________________
SCA President________________________________________
SCA Vice President____________________________________
SCA Secretary________________________________________
(VSCA membership does not include your NASC membership.)
VSCA Middle or High School.....….............................… $95
Payment Information
Check enclosed payable to VSCA
Check # _________ Check Total $___________________
Purchase Order attached. PO # _____________________
2020-21 Membership Application
Be sure to include your school Web address. Thank you.
VSCA Elementary School…......................................… $75
Please mail completed membership form and payment to:
4909 Cutshaw Avenue
Richmond, VA 23230
For more information please call (804) 355-4263.
Please check (✓)
Web Address: __________________________________________