Statement of Rights—First Court Appearance on Paternity Proceedings English-Russian
State of Minnesota District Court
1. I understand I am in Court because it is alleged that I am the biological father of .
Q ponima[, hto q naxo'us; v Sude v svqzi s utver'deniem, hto q qvlq[s; biologiheskim otcom%
2. I have received a copy of the complaint.
Q poluhil kopi[ iska.
3. I understand:
Q ponima[, hto
a. I can be required to submit to blood or genetic testing to determine the percentage of likelihood that I am the father. I
can be required to pay for all or part of the cost of testing if I am found by the Court to be the father. The results of any
testing to determine my likelihood of paternity can be used in evidence at the trial.
Q mogu byt; podvergnutym analizu krovi ili genetiheskomu analizu v obqzatel;nom porqdke s tem, htoby
opredelit; veroqtnost; moego otcovstva po dannomu isku. Q mogu byt; obqzan uplatit; za hast; ili za ves;
analiz, esli mo\ otcovstvo budet ustanovleno v Sude. Rezul;taty analiza mogut byt; ispol;zovany v kahe
stve dokazatel;stva na sudebnom processe.
b. I have the right to be represented by an attorney.
Q ime[ pravo byt; predstavlennym advokatom.
c. an attorney will be appointed to represent me if I cannot afford one.
Advokat budet predostavlen mne Sudom besplatno, v sluhae moej neplat\'esposobnosti.
d. I have a right to a trial by a judge or by a jury of six persons.
Q ime[ pravo na sudebnyj process bez prisq'nyx ili s west;[ prisq'nymi.
e. I am entitled to know in advance the evidence that will be used to try to establish my paternity.
Q ime[ pravo zaranee oznakomit;sq s dokazatel;stvami, kotorye budut ispol;zovany s cel;[ ustanovleniq
moego otcovstva.
f. I may question and cross-examine any witnesses called by the county to testify.
Q ime[ pravo vozra'at; svidetelqm i provodit; perekr\stnyj opros vsex svidetelej, vyzvannyx v Sud
okrugom dlq dahi svidetel;skix pokazanij.
g. I may subpoena witnesses to come to Court to testify on my behalf.
Q ime[ pravo na vyzov svidetelej v Sud dlq dahi pokazanij ot moego imeni.
h. I may be compelled to testify.
Q mogu byt; prinu'd\n k dahe svidetel;skix pokazanij.
i. I will be allowed to call witnesses, to present evidence, and to explain why I do not think I am the father.
Mne budet pozvoleno vyzyvat; svidetelej, predstavlqt; dokazatel;stva i davat; ob=qsneniq, pohemu q ne
shita[ sebq otcom po dannomu isku.
4. I also understand if I admit I am the father, or am found after trial to be the biological father of the above-named child:
Q tak'e ponima[, hto, esli q prizna[ svo\ otcovstvo ili posle suda budet ustanovleno, hto q qvlq[s; biologi-
heskim otcom vywenazvannogo reb\nka,
a. I will be required to pay child support in an amount determined by the Court if someone other than myself has
physical custody of the child.
q budu obqzan vnosit; platu na soder'anie reb\nka v summe, ustanovlennoj v Sude, v sluhae, esli reb\nok
naxoditsq ne pod moej fiziheskoj op\koj.
b. if child support is ordered, and if I fail to pay the child support, I may be found in contempt of Court, or I may be
charged with a crime.
pri neuplate naznahennoj summy na soder'anie reb\nka q mogu byt; nakazan za proqvlenie neuva'eniq k
Sudu ili mne mo'et byt; pred=qvleno obvinenie v soverwenii prestupleniq.
c. unpaid child support becomes a judgment against me by operation of law.
nevyplahennaq summa na soder'anie reb\nka vleh\t za soboj sudebnoe rewenie protiv menq v sootvetstvii s
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