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Gross Misdemeanor DUI Statement of Rights Revised: 6/2001
State of Minnesota DistrictCourt
Judicial District:
Court File Number:
Case Type: Criminal
State of Minnesota,
Plaintiff Gross Misdemeanor DUI
Statement of Rights
I understand:
Waxaan fahamsanahay:
1. I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket.
In leygu soo eedeeyey inaan galay dambiga (yada) ku cad ashtakada, yeerida , ama tigidka.
2. The maximum sentence for a gross misdemeanor offense is a fine of $3,000 and applicable
surcharges, one year in jail, or both.
Xukunka ugu badan ee dambiyada dhexe waa $3,000 oo ganaax ah iyo dulsaaryo lagu dabaqi
karo, hal sano oo xabsi ah, ama labadaba.
3. I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all times, including police line-up or during
police questioning.
Waxaan xaq u leeyahay in qareen uu i matalo waqti kasta, oo ay ku jirto saf gelida boliiska
ama waqtiga su’aal weydiinta boliiska.
4. An attorney will be appointed to represent me if I cannot afford to pay for an attorney.
Qareen ayaa la ii qaban doona oo aniga i matala haddii aanan awoodin qareen.
5. I do not have to say anything about the case. I do not have to answer questions from anyone
about the case.
Ma’aha qasab inaan wax ka sheego keyska. Ma’aha qasab inaan uga jawaabo su’aalaha
keyska qofwalba.
6. Anything I say may be used against me in Court.
Wax kasta oo aan iraahdo waxaa loo isticmaali karaa lidkeyga Maxkamada gudaheeda.
7. I can speak to an attorney before my next Court appearance, and I will be given enough time
before my next Court date to obtain an attorney.
Waan la hadli karaa qareen ka hor imaanshaha xigga ee Maxkamada, iyo waxaana ley siin
doonaa waqti igu filan ka hor Maxkamada soo socota si aan u helo qareen.
8. I can have a jury trial or a trial by a judge without a jury.
Waxaan yeelan karaa dacwo xeerbeegayaal ama dacwo caadil oo aan lahayn xeerbeegayaal.
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Gross Misdemeanor DUI Statement of Rights Revised: 6/2001
9. I can tell the judge today what I think should be done about bail or my release from custody.
Waxaan maanta u sheegi karaa caadilka waxa ay ila tahay in laga sameeyo damiin ama layga
soo daayo heynta.
10. I can be charged with a crime if I fail to appear in Court when I am told or notified of a Court
date, and the punishment for failure to appear can include jail, a fine, or both.
Waa leygu qaadi karaa dambi haddii aan ku fashilmo inaan imaado Maxkamada markii la ii
sheego ama ley ogeysiiyo waqtiga Maxkamada, iyo ciqaabta la xariirta inaan la imaan waxey
ka koobnaaan kartaa xabsi, ganaax, ama labadaba.
11. I wish to (check one):
Waxaan jecelahay (mid jeegaree):
represent myself without an attorney.
Inaan aniga is matalo qareen la’aan.
request a court-appointed attorney and have completed a form regarding my income,
property, and expenses.
Inaan codsado qareen maxkamadu ii qabato iyo inaan dhameystiro foomka ku saabsan
daqligeyga, hantideyda iyo qarashkeyga.
request a continuance for more time to consult my own attorney.
Inaan codsado in la ii sii wado waqti badan oo aan la tashado qarennkeyga.
12. I have (check one):
Aniga waa (mid jeegaree):
been booked and fingerprinted on this offense.
ley geliyay buuga waana leyga qaaday faraha dacwadaan
not been booked and fingerprinted on this offense.
mid aan farihii laga qaadin oo aan la qorin dacwadaan
Taariikh: Signature Date of Birth
Saxiix Taariikhda Dhalashada
Your attorney: Your Name:
Qareenkaaga: Magacaaga:
Street Address: Street Address:
Cinwaanka: Cinwaanka:
City/State/Zip: _____________________________ City/State/Zip:
Magaalo/Gobol/Zip Magaalo/Gobol/Zip:
Telephone: ( ) Telephone: ( _ )
Taleefoon: Taleefoon: