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Misdemeanor Statement of Rights Revised: 6/2001
State of Minnesota District Court
County Judicial District:
Court File Number:
Case Type: Criminal
State of Minnesota,
Misdemeanor Statement of Rights
I understand:
Waxaan fahamsanahay:
1. I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket. If I
have not received a written complaint describing the charges against me, I may request one.
In leygu eedeeyey dambi(yo) aan galey oo ku cad ashtakada, yeerida, ama tigidka. Haddii
aanan helin ashtako qoran oo cadeyneysa wixii leygu soo eedeeyey, mid waan codsan karaa.
2. The maximum sentence for a misdemeanor offense is a fine of $1,000 and applicable
surcharges, 90 days in jail, or both.
Xukunka ugu badan ee dambiga dhexe waa 1,000 oo ganaax ah iyo dulsaaro lagu dabaqi
karo, 90 maalmood oo xabsi ah, ama labadaba.
3. I can be charged with a crime if I fail to appear in Court when I am told or notified of a Court
date. The punishment for failure to appear can include a fine, jail, or both.
Waa leygu qaadi karaa dambi haddii aan ku fashilmo inaan imaado Maxkamada markii la ii
sheego ama ley ogeysiiyo waqtiga Maxkamada. Ciqaabta haddii aan la imaan waxaa ku jiri
kara ganaax, xabsi, ama labadaba.
4. I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all times and an attorney will be appointed
without cost to me if I cannot afford to pay for an attorney.
Waxaan xaq u leeyahay in qareen uu i matalo waqtiyadoo dhan iyo qareen in la ii qabto
iyadoo aan qarash iiga bixin haddii aanan awoodin qarashka qareenka.
5. I have the following constitutional rights:
Waxaan leeyahay xuquuqda dastuuriga soo socda:
a. for the case to be continued for me to obtain or speak to an attorney.
in keyska la ii sii wado si aan u helo ama ula hadlo qareen.