Policy 1991-03: Visiting Student Program
Adopted: July 18, 1991
A. Purpose
To facilitate undergraduate and graduate student enrollment at institutions of the Pennsylvania State System of
Higher Education to take advantage of courses available across the System, without loss of institutional residency,
eligibility for honors or athletics, or credits toward graduation at the home institution.
B. Standards
A graduate student must be accepted into a graduate program and be in good academic standing.
On a space available basis, students may take up to 12 credits from other PASSHE universities via the Visiting
Student Policy. Exceptions to the maximum credits may be granted for students enrolled in a joint degree between
two or more PASSHE universities.
All credits and grades earned at other PASSHE universities through this policy shall be accepted in full by the
home university and thereafter treated as home university credits, residency, and grades.
It is the responsibility of the student to work with, and get approval from, their graduate advisor at the home
institution regarding applicability of credits toward graduation requirements at the home institution consistent
with PASSHE procedures.
It is the responsibility of the student to complete the Visiting Graduate Student Notification Form and
submit to the home institution prior to enrolling in courses at another PASSHE institution.
Students cannot use the Visiting Student Program to repeat courses taken at the home institution.
Students cannot use the Visiting Student Program for internship or practica that are required for the
program of study or for licensure or certification without the express written permission of the home
university Dean of Graduate Study and placement availability at the host institution.
The student shall register at, and pay tuition and fees to, the State System University visited. A student wishing to
divide a course load between two institutions during the same term shall register and pay appropriate tuition and
fees at both universities.
The Office of the Chancellor will work with universities to establish and publish procedures to identify visiting
students such that financial aid, residency, candidacy requirements, and credits to graduation are assured.
Adopted: July 18, 1991
Amended: April 18, 2010
Amended: July 8, 2014