Business Car Insurance
If you use your car in connection with your work, standard automobile insurance policies may not offer
you the protection you think. Business car insurance can cover a wide range of uses, such as traveling
between work locations, or traveling throughout the State for University business.
Although you’ll likely pay higher premiums for business car insurance, staying with standard coverage
policies could lead to your policy being invalidated, or your claim being denied.
Every insurer will want some questions answered. For example they’ll want to know the nature of your
work, the amount of time you’re behind the wheel, and how many miles you put on your vehicle for
The mileage reimbursement you receive for using your own vehicle is for all expenses incurred, including
insurance. If you are involved in an accident while using your own vehicle for business related travel,
your own insurance will be the coverage. The State, through its insurance division BRIM will not provide
coverage for your vehicle, any other vehicles involved, property damage, or any injuries.
This is not meant to do more than educate you on the State’s insurance status. Also this is not meant for
those who are occasional users of their car for business. The best solution is to discuss your individual
circumstances with your insurance agent so you know what your coverage is.
Travel approval requesT
Accounts Payable Office
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Date Prepared:
Complete Part I and print. Obtain approvals in Part II. Keep a copy for your records and attach a copy to the appropriate travel expense voucher,
if one is being submitted.
PART I – Completed by traveler.
1. Traveler’s Name: 2. Work Phone: 3. Employee ID number:
4. Campus Address: 5. Date & Time of Departure: 6. Date & Time of Return:
7. Purpose of Travel:
8. Destination
9. Personal Car q Enterprise Rent-A-Car q Airline q (check those that apply)
10. Department Name and Cost Center:
11. Estimated Costs:
Airfare $
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Personal Car
Conference Fees
Misc. (taxi, turnpike,shuttle, etc.)
12. I certify that this travel is for official university business.
I further certify that if my personal automobile is used for university business during the period of travel claimed, insurance coverage was in
affect to comply with the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law (Act 1984-11).
Department Chair/Division Director
Dean/Vice President
PART I I– Approvals
Traveler’s Signature Date