Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Name _______________________________________________________
Clarion ID___________________________________
Fall Spring Summer 1 (3 week) Summer 2 (5 week) Summer 3 (5 week) Year _________
Plan/Major ______________________________________________ Minor __________________________________________
I hereby declare my intention to take the following course for credit-no record:
Course Title Catalog# Credits Instructor
I affirm that I have met the above conditions. I understand that this option cannot be rescinded under any circumstances.
*It is your responsibility to verify the form has been processed in your online student account.
Student's signature Date
Advisor's signature Total credits earned
*If your advisor is unavailable, please obtain your department chair's signature.
Satisfactory work in a credit-no record course will be shown on the transcript as CR, with no record. No credit will be awarded for less than satisfactory
work. Satisfactory work is defined as the equivalent of C grade or better as defined by the university grading system and is not included in QPA.
Office of the Registrar - Clarion University of Pennsylvania 9/2017
Credit-No Record Instructions
1. Students must type directly on this form or print legibly
2. Obtain advisor's signature
3. Return form to:
Clarion Campus
Fax: 814-393-2039
Venango Campus
200 Frame Hall
Pittsburgh Site Room 334
Check that the following Conditions have been met BEFORE taking a Class Credit-No Record:
Students cannot take courses in their major, minor or certificate programs credit-no record
Business students cannot take business courses, MATH 131, or 232 credit-no record
Maximum of one course can be taken as credit-no record per semester
At least 30 college credits must be earned before taking a course credit-no record
Students must be in good academic standing to complete a course as credit-no record
Students can only complete a total of 18 credits as credit-no record in their entire
undergraduate career at Clarion