SGS Conference/
Research Travel Grant
Change/Deferral Request Form
If details about your SGS Conference Grant or SGS Research Travel Grant have changed from what was indicated on your previously
approved application, please complete and email this form, along with any supporting documentation, to the appropriate email address
below for pre-approval, or submit this PDF form as part of your SGS Conference Grant or SGS Research Travel Grant Payment
Activation Form.
SGS Conference Grant: conferencegrant@utoronto.ca
SGS Research Travel Grant: travelgrant@utoronto.ca
If your request is approved, the value of your grant may be adjusted if there is a significant difference between the new and previous
location and/or travel dates/registration fees. The value of your offer cannot be increased. You will be advised of any adjustments.
Applicant Information:
Value of Approved Grant: $:
Originally Proposed Location (city, country):
New Location (city, country):
For Conference Grant Only:
Proposed registration-fee:
In-person or virtual conference?
For Research Travel Grant Only:
Previous Travel Period: (dd/mm/yyyy)
New Travel Period: (dd/mm/yyyy)
I confirm the above details provided by the student are accurate.
I approve this request to change the travel dates/location for the above grant recipient, and deem the travel still appropriate
and necessary this time.
If the student is travelling outside of Canada, (including the U.S.A), I understand that there may be travel restrictions in
place, and I fully endorse and support this travel provided it aligns with U of T Safety Abroad Office assessment and approval
Supervisor’s Name (print):
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: www.rosi.utoronto.ca/fippa.php 07/2020
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click to edit
click to sign
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