222 College Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 3J1 | www.engineeringcareers.utoronto.ca
Independent Work Term Approval Form (2021-2022)
Please send the completed form to pey.coop@utoronto.ca
along with a copy of your:
1. Job description
2. Signed contract with the student signature and employer signature. The contract must be written in
English and must include the salary, and start and end dates
3. The completed Work Term Agreement form which can be found on the PEY Co-op Program
Requirements page
Please note it will take time to review your information. Do not book any travel before your work term is
approved by our office.
Student Information:
Student Number:
Campus and Faculty:
Subject POSt(s):
Residency Status (e.g. domestic
or international):
Which work term is this for?
Company Information:
Company N
ame and Website:
Company Location:
Job Title:
Your Work Location:
Will you be working remotely in
this role?
Will you be travelling outside of
Canada in this role?
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Salary of the position:
How did you find this
opportunity? (company website;
network; job board; ECC email)
Summer Co-op Work Term
12-16 Month Work Term