Engineering Career Centre
222 College St, Suite 106, Toronto, Ontario |
To be completed and uploaded to the “my documents” section in the ECC Career Portal
Student Last Name: Student First Name:
Student ID Number: Student Email:
Job Title: Job ID Number (ECC Portal):
Company: Start Date: End Date:
Working Arrangement: □ On –Site □Remote □ Rotational (Combination of on-site & remote) □ Other: ______
Work Location: □ Canada □ If Abroad please specify location: _________________________________
Summer Work Term Agreement
I agree to abide by the following program policies and procedures before and during my co-op work term:
1. I will provide the ECC Office with a signed copy of my Offer Letter/Contract on the ECC portal
2. I will pay the PEY Co-op program fees installments according to the FASE Fees Schedule
3. I will complete all four modules and associated assignments of the PEY Co-op preparatory program
prior to the start of my work term. Failing to do so may result in an NCR for my summer co-op work
4. Students working outside of Canada - I agree to complete all Safety Abroad requirements
5. I will keep the ECC Office informed should there be any work-related issues or concerns.
5. I will complete the Early Self-Reflection form and Final Reflection Report for my summer co-op work
6. I will return to school after my summer co-op work term to continue my studies as a full-time
undergraduate student in the Fall. This is a government mandated requirement for co-op programs.
7. I understand that I am responsible for honouring this professional commitment and contractual
8. I agree to commit to a 12-16 week work term in the same organization. I will not withdraw my
acceptance, or decide to resign prematurely, without first discussing with the Director of the PEY Co-
op/ECC (or designate) followed by the designated Employer representative.
a. If for extenuating circumstances, I must rescind my acceptance of my work term prior to
starting the job, I will complete a PEY Co-op Renege Form
in order to maintain my eligibility to
continue in the PEY Co-op program
9. I will strive to conduct myself in a professional manner while on my work term, and I will assume the
responsibilities laid out in the University of Toronto Student Code of Conduct.
I understand and accept the terms of this agreement as set out above.
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________________
click to sign
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