Doctoral Supervisory Committee Meeting Report – closed meeting must be at least 20 minutes
SGS POLICY: Students must meet ANNUALLY with the supervisory committee. The committee consists of at least 3 members, thesis supervisor and two other faculty with graduate
appointments. Either the committee or student may request to schedule another meeting at any given time, if necessary. Contact the Grad Office
to make arrangements.
Info on Responsibilities of the Student, Supervisor, and Supervisory Committee is available on the SGS website. The advisory committee should
provide guidance during your
research, add complementary value to your supervision and provide meaningful written feedback.
A. Student MUST COMPLETE sections A – G PRIOR to the meeting.
Program Start
Date: (mm/yyyy)
Departmental Comprehensive Oral Exam
Completed all required seminar presentations?
Achieving PhD candidacy Students must complete all degree requirements except for thesis by the end of their 3
year in the case of a four-year
program, or at the end of the 4th year of registration in the case of a five-year program (direct entry from BSc degree or PhD-transfer).
Please indicate your date to achieve candidacy:
C. Attach a summary of presentations (note co-authors, title; sponsoring organization; location; oral or poster, date) and/or publications (note
those in prep., submitted, accepted, in press, published) for the past year.
D. Objectives for future work. Use a separate sheet, if necessary.
E. How often do you meet with your supervisor?
F. Indicate items (eg. obstacles, future research milestones, guidance on specific tasks, professional development) you wish to discuss at
this meeting. Use a separate sheet, if necessary.
G. Date of last committee meeting:
If the last committee meeting was over 12 months, provide explanation for the delay:
The chair of the committee must fill out the remainder of the report; chair is someone other than supervisor.
Progress of research (since last meeting):