Engineering Career Centre
222 College St, Suite 106, Toronto, Ontario |
To be completed and uploaded to the “my documents” section in the ECC Career Portal
Student Last Name: Student First Name:
Student ID Number: Student Email:
Job Title: Job ID Number (ECC Portal):
Company: Start Date: End Date:
Working Arrangement: □ On –Site □Remote □ Rotational (Combination of on-site & remote)
□ Other: _________
Work Location: □ Canada □ If Abroad please specify location: _________________________________
PEY Co-op Work Term Agreement
I agree to abide by the following program policies and procedures before, during and after my co-op
work term:
I take ownership on the decision to accept this PEY Co-op job offer. I will immediately cease
searching for other co-op opportunities. I will provide the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) with a
signed copy of my Offer Letter/Employer Contract on the ECC Portal within three business days of
I agree to pay the PEY Co-op work term fee of $975.00 and the part-time incidental fees that will
be posted on ACORN, in accordance with the payment instructions and deadlines provided by the
Student Accounts Office. Failure to pay these fees will result in the termination of the PEY Co-op work
term. I am aware that I cannot drop the PEY Co-op Subject POSt and that the drop dates for academic
courses do not apply to PEY Co-op.
I agree to commit to a 12-16 month continuous work term within the same organization. I will
not withdraw my acceptance, or decide to resign prematurely, without prior discussion with the
Director, Employer Relations (or designate) followed by the designated Employer representative. I
understand that if I do resign without said prior discussion:
• the status of my PEY Co-op work term may be revoked, and the PEY Co-op non-academic credit
(NCR) will reflect an unsuccessful completion of term on my transcript
• I understand that the PEY Co-op work term fees are non-refundable, regardless of the number of
months that I have worked
I understand that honouring this professional commitment and contractual agreement of my co-
op work term is mandatory. In this very competitive process, I successfully obtained and accepted this
co-op opportunity that could have been offered to another student. As such, I will follow through on
my commitment, recognizing that the employer has also made a commitment to provide this
opportunity for the agreed 12-16 month duration.