Please to refer to Appendix 3 of the Gore District Council Roading Bylaw 2011, Roadside
Grazing to ensure you are familiar with these requirements before making application for
this permit. This can be found here.
The following conditions will form part of the approval for roadside grazing. Special conditions may
also be added.
No stock shall be grazed on any roadside until a permit has been approved and issued by the
Containment of animals
All animals shall be securely fenced in or tethered in such a manner that they cannot get closer
than one metre from the gravel edge of the road formation (normally the invert of the water
Cattle or horses shall not be grazed or tethered on the road berm during the hours of darkness.
Bulls are prohibited from grazing the road berm at any time.
Generally only stock-proof electric fences shall be permitted. These shall only be constructed of
approved flexible electric fencing standards with a minimum of three wires except a single wire
will be permitted for adult large animal stock (i.e. not sheep). Steel waratahs are not permitted
except as noted below. Wooden corner posts, with a maximum diameter of 100mm, may be used
for tensioning purposes.
Note: Solid posts and waratahs may be permitted in exceptional circumstances where there is an
unusually wide road berm providing adequate recovery area before the fence.
Fences shall comply with the requirements of the Electricity Act 1992 and the Electricity
Regulations 1993. Suitable labels shall be used to notify the public that the fence is live.
Siting of fences:
The fence shall be erected no closer than 1.0 metre from the edge of the gravel or 4.0 metre from
the road centreline or 0.5 metres from the water channel whichever is further from the centreline.
A maximum length of 500 metres of fencing is permitted for temporary grazing at any one time.
The maximum period the fence shall remain in place shall be 10 days. These limits may be
extended in exceptional circumstances and subject to written permission from the Council.
Temporary fences are not permitted on both sides of the road at the same time.
Waterways are to be fenced 2m back from the top of the bank to prevent stock intrusion into the
Fences during grazing
All temporary fences shall remain in position while the road berm is being grazed, and must be
completely removed immediately afterwards.
The Council may require the fence to be removed at any time.