Permit Required
No person shall erect or display any sign on the frames unless a permit has first been obtained from the
Gore District Council and the fee has been paid.
The fee of $5 per week shall be paid at the time of application to confirm the booking.
NOTE: Commercial organisations or individuals seeking a profit or pecuniary gain are not permitted to
utilise Council owned frames for signs and / or hoardings.
Time Periods
The maximum time for a sign to be displayed on the frame shall be three calendar weeks, which maybe prior
and or inclusive of the time of the event or promotion occurring.
Bookings may be accepted up to one year in advance of the event or promotion occurring. Please note that
the boards are let out on a “first in first serve” system.
The sign shall be removed by the permit holder at the end of their time period specified on the permit.
Every sign shall be made, constructed and erected in a neat manner.
Signs shall be professionally crafted and properly installed.
The organisation hiring is responsible to provide their own fastenings for the sign.
Every sign shall, at all times, be maintained in good repair to the satisfaction of the Council.
Signs shall be checked by the permit holder frequently during bad weather, especially strong winds.
Signs damaged shall be repaired and secured back on the frame or otherwise removed by the permit
holder as soon as possible.
The Council shall not be responsible for any damage or vandalism that may occur to any sign on the
Any sign that is required to be collected, or frame needing repair or the need for turf reinstatement by
the Council or its agents, may result in actual and reasonable costs being recovered from the permit
holder for carrying out such works.
Signs can only be removed by the respective permit holder or the Council.
Only two permit holders will be allowed to utilise any one frame at one time.
Signs must fit the size shown on the reverse of this brochure.
Under no circumstances does any organisation have permission to move or take down any other
organisations sign.
No signs shall be erected until prior written approval is obtained from Council.
Signs must be attached in the prescribed manner to the frames. Any sign that is only semi attached or
is supported by any type of stake or warratah shall be removed without warning.
Promotions and information that shall not be advertised/displayed:
Religious messages and/or opinions
Sexual content / provocative images
Abortion (either pro or con)
Individual/personal benefit (eg. garage sale etc.)
Illegal drugs
Cigarettes / tobacco
Anything that cannot be advertised by statute
Political messages and/or opinions
The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold Council harmless against any claim of any nature resulting from
the applicants sign.