Application Form Existing Use Certificate 5
Privacy – Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
You should be aware that this document becomes a public record once submitted. Under the above Act, anyone
can request to see copies of applications lodged with the Council. The Council is obliged to make available
the information requested unless there are grounds under the above Act that justify withholding it. While you
may request that it be withheld, the Council will make a decision following consultation with you. If the Council
decides to withhold an application, or part of it, that decision can be reviewed by the Office of the Ombudsmen.
Please advise if you consider it necessary to withhold your application, or parts of it, from any persons
(including the media) to (tick those that apply):
Avoid unreasonably prejudicing your commercial position
Protect information you have supplied to the Council in confidence
Avoid serious offence to tikanga Maori or disclosing location of waahi tapu
Council recovers all actual and reasonable costs of processing your application. Most applications require
a deposit and costs above this deposit will be recovered. A current fees schedule is available on
www.goredc.govt.nz or from Planning staff.
Further assistance
Please discuss your proposal with us if you require any further help with preparing your application.
The Council does provide pre-application meetings without charge to assist in understanding the issues
associated with your proposal and completing your application. This service is there to help you.
Please note that we are able to provide you with planning information but we cannot prepare the application
for you. You may need to discuss your application with an expert such as a planning consultant, surveyor or
lawyer, if you need further advice.
Gore District Council Planning Services staff can be contacted as follows:
In Writing: Gore District Council, PO Box 8, Gore 9740
In Person: Gore District Council, 29 Bowler Avenue, Gore,
but please phone first to make an appointment.
By Phone: (03) 209 0330
By Email: planning@goredc.govt.nz
There is also information on our website at www.goredc.govt.nz.
Information requirements (two copies required)
Completed and signed application form
Description of activity
Plan(s) (drawn to scale) showing the height, shape, and location on the site of the activity
Payment Method
Cash (do not post)
EFTPOS (at Gore District Council)
Internet banking
Cheques payable to: Gore District Council
Post cheques to: Gore District Council
PO Box 8, Gore 9740
Internet Banking Payments: Gore District Council
Account Number: 03-0915-0289519-00
Particulars: Please use your Name
Reference: Please use your Address
In order to ensure your application is not rejected or delayed through requests for further information,
please make sure you have included all of the necessary information.