Application to apply
Dust Suppressant
to unsealed roads
To: The Transport Manager
Gore District Council
P O Box 8
Gore 9710
Applicants name:
Postal address:
Post code:
Daytime phone number: Cell phone:
Road name: Rapid number:
Length of road to be sprayed: Width of road:
Method of application:
Details of product to be used:
Rule 17 of the Proposed Southland Water & Land Plan permits the discharge (subject to conditions) of vegetable oil, new
light fuel or new lubricating oil as dust suppressants, or the application of a HSNO-approved dust suppressant. Water
can also be discharged onto land to suppress dust.
The discharge of used oil onto a road as a dust suppressant requires a resource consent from Environment Southland
under Rule 17(b) of the Proposed Water & Land Plan. If used oil is discharged onto a road as a dust suppressant without
a resource consent, it will contravene Section 15 of the Resource Management Act.
Proposed date of application:
Are there any water courses nearby? Yes No If yes, where?
Signature of applicant: Date:
29 Bowler Avenue, Gore 9710
PO Box 8, Gore 9740
Phone 03 209 0330
Email info@goredc.govt.nz
1. Use of used oil
The use of used oil as a suppressant requires a resource consent from Environment
Southland. Please refer to Rule 17 of Environment Southland’s Proposed Water and Land
No permit will be approved by the Gore District Council for the use of used oil unless this
application is accompanied with an approved resource consent decision from Environment
Southland or a contractor approved by Environment Southland.
2. Road conditions
Suppressant is to be sprayed only when the road is well formed and without potholes.
The optimum time to apply suppressant is just after the grader has been, when the road is
well shaped and still has a high crown.
Details of when your road is to be graded can be obtained from the Council.
3. Gravel / seal margin
Stop application of the suppressant a minimum of 5m from the permitted length to provide
a transitional area. This is to prevent suppressant being tracked onto the sealed surface.
4. Application rates and control of spraying
Please ensure suppressant application is well controlled and evenly spread, and that any
surplus does not run into drainage channels or water courses.
Follow manufacturers specifications to ensure correct application rate.
It a product is sprayed too thickly it is likely to case ponding and splash onto other vehicles.
Previous applications must be considered to avoid excess suppressant on the road.
Temporary traffic control, in accordance with a traffic management plan approved by the
Council, shall be used during spraying.
5. Weather
The suppressant should not be applied if rain is forecast within 48 hours.
6. Insurances
The applicant is required to have public liability insurances to the minimum value of $1
million. Evidence of this insurance is required before any application is approved.