Entertainment / Performance
Payment Form
Please complete this form to ensure payment.
29 Bowler Avenue, Gore 9710
PO Box 8, Gore 9740
Phone 03 209 0330
Email info@goredc.govt.nz
Full name:
Postal Address:
Email: Contact phone:
Name of event: Date of event worked:
Bank account number (Please attach a deposit slip if possible)
Entertainers must complete an IR330C form in order to receive payment. You can download a form here
I have completed and attached an IR330C (please tick)
NZ IRD number
Payment Details
Agreed rate for service $
Less Withholding tax
20% $
Total fee payable $
Important information:
The Gore District Council makes payments to entertainers through its payroll. This is to ensure we meet IRD requirements for pay day
filing. Payment will not be made until this form and an IR330C have been completed.
We require your bank account number for each event, irrespective of whether you have worked for us previously.
All withholding tax deductions for entertainers will be deducted at 20% unless exemptions detailed in the IR330C are met.
Please note: This form is for entertainers who have provided an activity or performance connected with a sporting event or competition,
or making speeches or giving lectures or talks, or acting, singing, playing, dancing, or entertaining generally for any purpose whether
alone or not.
Signature of performer: Date:
Council approved for payment signature: Date:
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