Application for
No Spray Register
To: The Transport Manager
Gore District Council
P O Box 8
Gore 9710
Please add my property, listed below, to the Gore District Council’s No Spray Register.
Postal address:
Post code:
Daytime phone number: Cell phone:
Property address:
Specific details of no spray area (if required):
Please submit a map with your application. Electronic map locations are accessible from the
Council’s website www.goredc.govt.nz/do-it-online/online-maps
By completing this application to be on the No Spray Register, you agree to maintain the areas
listed above along your frontage free of weeds. If the property owner fails to keep the frontage in
good order the address will fall off the list and will be controlled through the spraying programme.
Signature of applicant: Date:
29 Bowler Avenue, Gore 9710
PO Box 8, Gore 9740
Phone 03 209 0330
Email info@goredc.govt.nz