The following conditions apply to every applicant
Meaning of mobile trading
1. “Mobile Trading” excludes a street stall but includes:
a. Hawking
b. Trading from a mobile shop
c. Trading as a mobile commercial service
Duration and renewal
2. Every licence shall be issued for a period of not more than 12 months.
3. Prior to the expiry of any licence a licence holder may make application for renewal.
Provided the licence holder has complied with the conditions of the licence and on payment
of the prescribed fee, the licence shall be renewed upon such terms and conditions as the
Council may consider appropriate for up to 12 months.
Licence to be carried and displayed
4. Every licence holder shall carry the licence and prominently display the licence at all times
while engaged in mobile trading and the licence holder shall show the licence to any Officer
on demand.
Licence transfer/change of business
5. The licence is not transferable in respect of the licence holder (person) or the business and a
licence holder shall not authorise any person or business other than that named therein to
carry on the mobile trade.
Licence may be revoked
6. A Mobile Trading Licence may be revoked by the Council if the holder:
a. Permits a breach of any provision of this bylaw or any other law; or
b. Fails to observe the conditions of the Mobile Trading Licence; or
c. Permits any unlicensed person to operate as a mobile trader in connection with the
mobile trading operation usually carried out by the licence holder.
Hours of trade
7. The hours during which the trader may operate will be specified on each licence. You must
not operate during the hours of darkness.
8. The licence holder shall cause as little obstruction as possible to the legitimate use of any
property. No part of the mobile trade shall be permitted to cause a hazard to the public.
9. The licence holder shall take all reasonable steps to prevent a nuisance from occurring as a
result of their operation.
Metered park and designated commercial area
10. The licence holder shall not operate the mobile trade from a metered park unless the
express approval of the Council has been granted.
11. A licence holder shall not operate on any footpath or other public place within the
designated commercial areas.
12. A licence holder shall not stand or permit their mobile trade to stand or remain stationary
on any formed road within the designated commercial area for any period longer than 1
hour, unless prior approval is obtained at the time application is made for the licence.