Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Insulate and prevent heat loss
This can signicantly reduce your energy bills and can be
achieved by:
Lo insulaon or insulaon boards below a at roof
Cavity wall insulaon or external cladding
Double or triple glazing
Insulaon below oorboards
Dra proong
Get Help
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Simple steps to start saving
Carbon Trust: Buildings
energy eciency
InvestNI: Manage business
energy and waste
GOV.UK: Energy ecient
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Choose low carbon heang
Opons include:
Electric heang - generate your own or purchase 100%
Use solar gain – heang from sunlight through south
facing windows
Solar thermal panels for water heang
GOV.UK: Energy Technology
List for ECA
NetRegs: Energy eciency
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Energy cont.
Generate your own power
Instead of buying all of your energy from suppliers, you
can install renewables technology (also called micro
generaon and low-carbon technology) to generate
your own:
Small scale hydro
Solar photovoltaics
Ground or air source heat pumps – run on
electricity but return about 3 mes the energy that
they consume
Wind turbines – check locaon
Biomass boilers – if you have a local supply of
wood or other fuel.
Get Help
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Simple steps to start saving
Carbon Trust: Buildings
energy eciency
InvestNI: Manage business
energy and waste
GOV.UK: Energy ecient
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Measure your water use
Check meter readings regularly and record the data. Use
this to idenfy paerns of water use. This also helps you
idenfy leaks or taps that have been le on.
Get Help
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Green Champions Training
Consumer Council: Water
Usage Calculator
InvestNI: Manage business
energy and waste
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Install water saving devices
You can include a number of devices that will reduce
your water consumpon. Low ow taps, cistern hippos,
hoses with nozzle guns and appliances that use less
water. You can get tax relief on certain technologies
through the ECA.
GOV.UK: Water Technology
Product List for ECA
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Construcon materials & xtures
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Ensure your designing, construcon or
retrot project results in an energy
ecient building
The best ways are to specify energy-ecient lighng and
other ngs, improve insulaon levels and increase air-
Carbon Trust: Buildings
energy eciency
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Use recycled materials
Re-using materials avoids all the environmental impacts
of new manufacture and is a basic principle of ecient
resource use.
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Search for surplus materials in
your area Construcon
Material Exchange
Prevenng Waste in
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Construcon materials & xtures
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Choose materials with recycled content or
with low energy requirements
Many materials and components are now available that
have recycled content. Try to go for recycled products
made from renewable resources. These include concrete
that uses y ash aggregate (PFA), carpets made from
recycled plasc boles, insulaon made from recycled
paper and paints that contain post-consumer returns.
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Construcon sustainable
procurement guide
BRE 'green guide' to the
environmental impacts of
building materials
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Reduce the waste that you generate
Check your bins and idenfy the types of waste you
produce. Think of ways of prevenng the waste in the
rst place. For example replace disposable cups with
reusable ones, limit prinng etc.
Get Help
Love Food Hate Waste: Save
more pack
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Improving Waste
Management: A how-to guide
for business groups
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Reduce waste
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Segregate and reuse or recycle
Segregate your waste so it can be recycled, check with
your waste collecon service how best to manage this.
Choose an authorised waste collecon service that will
nd re-use, and recycling opons for a wide variety of
Organisaons in Scotland and Northern Ireland are
required to do this by law—See NetRegs: Duty of Care
NetRegs: Duty of Care - your
waste responsibilies
Grants available from
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Waste Prevenon
Implementaon Fund
InvestNI: Manage business
energy and waste
Wrap NI –Waste Reducon
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Waste cont.
Deal with hazardous/special waste
Try and avoid using products and materials that have
hazardous properes – they will become hazardous/
special waste at the end of their life. Where not possible
e.g. printer cartridges, some light bulbs, used oil, then
segregate and have it taken for treatment/recycling at an
authorised facility.
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NetRegs: Hazardous/special
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Design products with re-use, recycling in
If you make products, think about what happens to them
at the end of their life. Can they be refurbished? Can the
parts be reused? Are they made of recyclable materials?
Avoid making products that will end up in landll.
Zero Waste Scotland:
Circular Economy Business
Support Service
The Circular Economy
Investment Fund
Design out waste in
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Enhance biodiversity
Plan your grounds for wildlife
If you have grounds to maintain, check your local
biodiversity plan to see if you can support it. This could
mean creang suitable habitat for locally important
species. The Scosh Wildlife Trust and Ulster Wildlife
Trust can oer support and advice.
Get Help
Scosh Wildlife Trust
Ulster Wildlife
Biodiversity Scotland: Local
Acon Plans
DAERA NI : Biodiversity
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Buildings and property
If carrying out building works, or repairing or renovang
property you must minimise your impacts on habitats
and the local environment. Never disturb nesng birds
and idenfy bat roosts in buildings. Measures to protect
bats must be taken if work is planned on buildings with
roosts. Contact Scosh Natural Heritage or DAERA NI for
a licence to proceed.
NetRegs: Nature conservaon
DAERA NI: Wildlife licensing
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
If you order goods try to nd suppliers who minimise
packaging. You might be able to reuse packaging, if not
then check they use recyclable materials.
If you package goods yourself, then use the minimum
necessary and make sure it is re-usable or recyclable.
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NetRegs: Packaging
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Waste Electronic and electrical equipment
All electrical and electronic equipment must be sent for
recycling at the end of its life. You can nd the take back
scheme that the producer is part of that covers the cost
of recycling.
NetRegs: WEEE
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Car parks
It is a requirement for large car parks, and good pracce
for small car parks, to have the drainage from the
parking area drained through sustainable drainage
systems. This traps pollutants and allows many to be
broken down by natural processes.
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NetRegs: Car parking
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Low emission vehicles
If you use transport you should make sure that you use
vehicles with the lowest possible emissions. This can
mean using hybrids, engines that are designed to be very
fuel ecient, LPG, or electric vehicles. You can get advice
from the Energy Saving Trust on a range of transport
NetRegs: Reducing vehicle
Energy Saving Trust Scotland:
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Transport cont.
Travel plans: for sta and for visitors
Find out how your sta or members travel to your site.
Can you make it easier for them to adopt acve travel,
such as cycling? Providing secure cycle racks and showers
can make a dierence.
Provide informaon about public transport opons for
travel to and from your site and make this available to
sta, members and the general public.
Get Help
Indirect: acve travel and
sustainable transport
Traveline Scotland
NetRegs: Travel plans and
green transport
Translink: Geng Around
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Once you have completed checklist you will be able to download a cercate of compleon
which you should include with your funding applicaon. This cercate provides you with the
opportunity to include a wrien commitment to a implemenng a RE measure(s) as part of
your project work. You should state how this objecve will be By doing this you will have
demonstrated to your applying AB that you have met the RE eligibility criteria for SLFC
Scosh Landll Communies Fund applicants only—