Animals & Wildlife
Armed Forces
Art, Culture & Heritage
Children & Young People
Community Care & Hospices
Domestic Abuse
Employment Support
Environment & Conservation
Equality & Diversity
Family Welfare
Health & Social Care
Homelessness & Housing
Human Rights
Learning Disability
Mental Health
Migrants, Refugees &
Asylum Seekers
Older People
Overseas Development & Disaster Relief
Physical/Sensory Disability
Prisoners & Offenders
Residential & Day Care
Sport & Recreation
Umbrella, Support & Volunteering
Other, please state:
A brief description about your organisation:
Membership application form
Please complete this membership form in BLOCK CAPITALS, then return to or
ACEVO, 150 Fenchurch Street, 4th Floor, London, EC3M 6BB.
Title (e.g. Mr. Mrs. Ms. etc.) Organisation name
First name Preferred postal address
Job title Postcode
Email Is this your  Organisation address  Home address
Additional email (optional) Website
Telephone Mobile PA name (if applicable)
Twitter handle (if applicable) PA email (if applicable)
Please tick to confirm we can p omote it Registered charity number (if applicable)
Please tick if you are seeking a mentor Please tick if you are willing to be a mentor
What are your main reasons for joining ACEVO?
Events Advice and helplines Information Lobbying
Networking Professional development Other, please state:
Where did you hear about ACEVO? (Please tick one box only)
Recommendation Newspaper/TV/Radio Sector Publication Event Mailing
Internet Other, please state:
Please inform us of any dietary requirements you have:
Access needs:
Step-free access Wheelchair accessible Blue badge parking British Sign Language interpreters
Electronic notetaker/palantypist Hearing induction loop Information in Easy Read Information in Large Print
Information in electronic format Information in Braille Assistance Personal assistant/support worker
Other, please state:
Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales.
Company number 3514635. Registered Charity number 1114591.
Gross annual income: £
Approximate number of staff (Full-time equivalent)
Approximate number of volunteers (Full-time equivalent)
Your organisation operates (Please tick one box only) Locally Regionally Nationally Internationally
Which of the following roles does your
organisation undertake? (Tick all that apply)
Service Provider
Membership Body/Association
Research Institute or ‘Think tank’
Umbrella Organisation
Type of organisation:
Charity Social enterprise Community interest company (CIC)
Other, please state:
What are your main funding sources? (Tick all that apply)
Contracts with public bodies
Commercial income (trading)
Public fundraising
Income from investments
Grants from public bodies
Grants from independent foundations
Membership fees
Other, please state:
Indicate your primary (1) and secondary (2) areas of activity. (Please mark a maximum of two)
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Data Protection
The information you have provided will be used to administer your membership.
Except where personal data is evidently confidential or personally sensitive,
ACEVO may communicate with staff in your organisation to administer your
membership, make a purchase or book to attend an event. We will only use your
personal information for carefully considered and specific purposes which are
aligned with our charitable objectives, to enable us to grow our reach and increase
our impact with charity leaders. You can find details on how we p ocess personal
data at
ACEVO is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to everyone regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or religion.
The information you give on this form will help us comply with our policy of ensuring equality in our services to you.
As this information is personal completion of this section of the membership application form is optional.
You do not have to complete this section but it will help us improve our services if you can complete as much as possible. All information ACEVO
collects will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Gene al Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Gender   Woman   Man   Non-Binary   Prefer not to say
If you prefer to use your own term, please state:
Is your gender identity the same as the sex you were assigned at birth?   Yes   No   Prefer not to say
Age   18–29   30–39   40–49   50–59   60–69   70+   Prefer not to say
What is your ethnicity? Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong.
Please tick the appropriate box
White   English   Welsh   Scottish   Northern Irish   Irish   British   
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
   Prefer not to say
Any other white background, please state:
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups   White and Black Caribbean   White and Black African   White and Asian   Prefer not to say
Any other mixed background, please state:
Asian/Asian British   Indian   Pakistani   Bangladeshi   Chinese   Prefer not to say
Any other Asian background, please state:
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British   African   Caribbean   Prefer not to say
Any other Black/African/Caribbean background, please state:
Other ethnic group   Arab   Latin American   Prefer not to say
Any other ethnic group, please state:
Are you a disabled person?   Yes   No   Prefer not to say
If you are a disabled person please tell us which of the following impairment groups apply to you.
You may tick more than one box
 Visual impairment   Physical impairment   
Deaf/British Sign Language user
   Hearing impairment
Mental health/mental distress issues
Learning difficultie
   Long term health condition/hidden impairment
 Any other disabled person, please state:
What is your sexual orientation?   Heterosexual   Gay woman/lesbian   Gay man   Bisexual   Prefer not to say
If you prefer to use your own term, please state:
What is your religion or belief?   No religion or belief   Buddhist   Christian   Hindu   Jewish   Muslim   Sikh
 Prefer not to say   Any other religion or belief, please state:
Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales.
Company number 3514635. Registered Charity number 1114591.
Full membership
1 year membership 3 year membership offer
Price Direct debit price Usual price
Discount offer
< or = £100k £219 £199 £657
>£100k – £500k £279 £249 £837
>£500k – £1m £329 £299 £987
>£1m – £5m £499 £459 £1,497
>£5m – £10m £659 £599 £1,977
>£10m – £20m £729 £659 £2,187
>£20m £829 £749 £2,487
Associate membership
1 year membership 3 year membership offer
Price Direct debit price Usual price
Discount offer
Associate £219 £199 £657
Associate – CEO ACEVO member £139 £129 £417
Please select your membership fee from the price list below, based on the last reported annual income of your organisation.
Please note that a one time joining fee of £45 will be added to all new Full and Associate memberships.
ACEVO offers two types of membership. A Full membership for chief executives or the equivalent title within your organisation,
and an Associate membership for aspiring CEOs, retired CEOs, or CEOs who are inbetween roles.
This membership is paid for by: Your organisation Yourself Promotional code
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Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit. Direct Debit fees will be taken on an annual basis direct from your account.
Name(s) of Account Holder(s)
Bank/Building Society Account Number
Valid from: Month Year Issue No.
(Switch/Maestro users only)
Card Number
Visa Mastercard Switch/Maestro Delta Amex
Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations. Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales.
Company number 3514635. Registered Charity number 1114591.
1. I apply to become a member of ACEVO in its form as a company limited by guarantee and agree to be bound by its articles of association which
specify a maximum liability of £1 in the unlikely event of insolvency.
2. I understand ACEVO memberships are for the individual. Membership may be taken with you to your next role or transferred to your successor,
depending on who paid for the membership.
3. I have read and agree to the code of conduct at
4. I have read and agree to all terms and conditions at
I would like to ‘opt-out’ of receiving all emails from ACEVO.
The Direct Debit Guarantee
This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept
instructions to pay Direct Debits.
If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit
GC re ACEVO will notify you 3 working days in advance of your account
being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request GC re ACEVO to collect
a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given o you at the
time of the request.
If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by GC re ACEVO
or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate
refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society
If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back
when GC re ACEVO asks you to.
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your
bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required.
Please also notify us.
Signature Date
Complete the details below. If you would prefer to make payment over the phone please tick the credit card box and we will call you to take payment.
Originator’s Identification Numbe
Reference (official use only
Instruction to your Bank or Building Society
Please pay GC re ACEVO Direct Debits from the account detailed in this
Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
I understand that this instruction may remain with GC re ACEVO and,
if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society.
Bank and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some accounts.
An invoice will be generated for payment by BACS or cheque and sent to the email address provided.
Branch Sort Code
(Last 3 digits on the back of signature strip)
Expiry date: Month Year Security code
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To the manager Bank/Building Society