Resource eciency—Best pracce checklist
Reduce the waste that you generate
Check your bins and idenfy the types of waste you
produce. Think of ways of prevenng the waste in the
rst place. For example replace disposable cups with
reusable ones, limit prinng etc.
Get Help
Love food hate waste: Save
more pack
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Improving Waste
Management: A how-to guide
for business groups
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Reduce waste
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate
Segregate and reuse or recycle
Segregate your waste so it can be recycled, check with
your waste collecon service how best to manage this.
Choose an authorised waste collecon service that will
nd re-use, and recycling opons for a wide variety of
NetRegs: Duty of Care - your
waste responsibilies
Grants available from
Resource Ecient Scotland:
Waste Prevenon
Implementaon Fund
InvestNI: Manage business
energy and waste
Wrap NI –Waste Reducon
Not Applicable
Will Invesgate