Protected B
once completed
RM Applicant Vision Examination Report
Applicant ID
Applicant Information
To be completed by the applicant
Surname Given Names Date of Birth (yyyy-mm-dd)
Street Address City Province Postal Code (A9A 9A9) Date of Exam (yyyy-mm-dd)
Visual Examination
To be completed by the Ophthalmologist or Optometrist
Visual Acuity
Any standardized procedures (Landoit Ring, Snellen) may be utilized. No error is allowed per line of symbols.
Uncorrected Right Eye (6/ or 20/) Uncorrected Left Eye (6/ or 20/)
Corrected Right Eye (6/ or 20/) Corrected Left Eye (6/ or 20/)
Corrected by
Eyeglasses Contact Lenses
RCMP Vision Standards Visual Acuity
Corrected vision (with glasses or contacts): Visual acuity must be at least 6/6 (20/20) in one eye and 6/9 (20/30) in the other; and
Uncorrected vision (without glasses or contacts): Visual acuity must be at least 6/18 (20/60) in each eye or 6/12 (20/40) in one eye and at least 6/30 (20/100)
in the other eye.
Meets Standards, both corrected and uncorrected?
Yes No
Visual Fields
RCMP Field of Vision Standards
Must be at least 150 degrees continuous along the horizontal meridian and 20 degrees continuous above and below fixation, with both eyes open and
examined together.
Meets Standards?
Yes No
Standardized Ishihara pseudo-isochromatic plates must be utilized. Testing is to be done without the candidate using any colour correcting aids, such as
coloured contact lenses.
a) Result of standardized Ishihara pseudo-isochromatic plates test
Passed Failed. If so, re-test using Farnsworth D-15.
b) Result of Farnsworth D-15 test (if the applicant failed the plate test). Attach the results.
Passed Failed
RCMP Colour-Vision Testing Standards
Using the standardized Ishihara pseudo-isochromatic plates, if at least 17 of 21 patterns are correctly identified (pass) colour-vision will be considered normal;
If required, further evaluation will be conducted with the Farnsworth D-15 test. If the applicant passes the Farnsworth D-15 test, the applicant will be
considered to meet the minimum colour-vision standards; and
If the applicant fails both the Ishihara test and the Farnsworth D-15 test, the minimum vision standards for an RCMP applicant are not met.
Meets Standards?
Yes No
Ocular Disease / Conditions
Applicant must be free from ocular diseases impairing visual performance. If there is a history or the presence of an ocular disease, further information may be
required at the medical examination stage for individual assessment.
Is there any indication of the presence of the following
Strabismus Diplopia Eye Disease specify:
Is there any indication that the applicant could be at risk of experiencing double vision when tired or in an environment with reduced visual cues and/or greater
visual strain and/or stress?
Yes No
RCMP GRC 2180e (2017-10) Page 1 of 2
Protected B
once completed
RM Applicant Vision Examination Report
Applicant ID
Any other testing performed?
Yes No
If other testing performed, clarifiy including test and result:
Refractive Surgery, including Corneal and Intra-Ocular Lens Procedures
Has the applicant had refraction correction surgery?
Yes No
If the applicant had refraction correction surgery, please identify the type
LASIK PRK Implanted Corrective Lenses (ICL, PIOL) Other specify:
Date of Surgery (yyyy-mm-dd)
RCMP Standard Post-Refractive Correction Surgery - Applicant must wait the following time before having a vision examination completed
Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery - thirty (30) days;
Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) surgery - ninety (90) days;
Implanted corrective lenses (ICL, PIOL) surgery with anterior chamber lens - six (6) months; and
Implanted corrective lenses (ICL, PIOL) surgery with posterior chamber lens - twelve (12) months.
Does the applicant have any history of
Halos Starbursts Night Vision Difficulties Contrast Sensitivity Difficulties
Is the applicant's vision now stable?
Yes No
Is there currently any increased risk, relative to "normal" eyes, for damage to the eyes upon physical confrontation?
Yes No
Specify any other acute or chronic problems with the function of the eyes or adnexa, if applicable.
Declaration, Acknowledgement and Consent
To be completed by the applicant
I declare that the statements made to the Ophthalmologist/Optometrist are complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have not withheld any
relevant information or made any misleading statements.
I acknowledge that incomplete forms will be returned to my attention and may result in disqualification of my application.
I acknowledge that my vision examination report is valid for two (2) years from the testing date.
I acknowledge that the cost of this examination, refractive correction surgery, and reports prepared by the Ophthalmologist or Optometrist are
my responsibility.
I consent that this information be provided to the RCMP for pre-selection purposes.
I consent to the RCMP, Occupational Health Services, contacting the ophthalmologist or optometrist indicated below if clarification of this vision examination
is required.
Signature Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Ophthalmologist or Optometrist
To be completed by the Ophthalmologist or Optometrist
Surname First Name Specialty
Ophthalmologist Optometrist
Licence Number
Business Address Telephone No. (incl. area code)
Signature Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
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